A Perfect Blend Of Quality In Functional Safety To Accelerate An Automotive IP Product Release

The integration of functional safety and quality into the automotive development process is crucial for ensuring the safety and reliability of vehicles on the road. Automotive manufacturers must take a comprehensive approach to both functional safety and quality, considering all aspects of the vehicle from design to production and beyond. This includes the use of advanced technologies s... » read more

Automotive Complexity, Supply Chain Strength Demands Tech Collaboration

The automotive supply chain is becoming more complex and collaborative, changing longstanding relationships between automakers and their suppliers in ways that would have seemed unimaginable even a couple of years ago. Rather than just developing parts for a tightly defined specification, suppliers are taking an increasingly active role in determining how various technologies are combined, w... » read more

Confusion Grows Over Sensor Fusion In Autos

A key strategy for fully autonomous vehicles is the ability to fuse together inputs from multiple sensors, which is essential for making safe and secure decisions, but it's turning out to be much harder than first imagined. There are multiple problems that need to be solved, including how to partition, prioritize, and ultimately combine different types of data, and how to architect the proce... » read more

Auto Industry Relationships Re-Form, But Differently

The automotive industry is in the midst of rapid change on many fronts. OEMs are exploring new functions and features to add to their vehicles, including chiplets, electrification, autonomous features, as well as new vehicle architectures that will determine how vehicles are going to be designed from the foundation up. But all of this is dependent on the relationships between all of the ecosyst... » read more

Automotive Relationships Shifting With Chiplets

The automotive industry is in the midst of a tremendous and rapid change on many fronts. OEMs are exploring new functions and features to add to their vehicles, including chiplets, electrification, autonomous features, as well as new vehicle architectures that will determine how vehicles are going to be designed from the foundation up. All of this is dependent on the relationships between all o... » read more

Automotive Safety: Having The Right Product Portfolio In Place

Changes are happening in almost every aspect of automotive technology, although the main thrust can be encompassed in three megatrends. In the future, vehicles will be increasingly connected, and therefore cybersecurity protection is becoming more and more important. e-mobility will be a major contributor to CO2 reduction, resulting in the need for high-power semiconductors. And automated drivi... » read more

Beyond Autonomous Cars

As the automotive industry takes a more measured approach to self-driving cars and long-haul trucks for safety and security reasons, there is a renewed focus on other types of vehicles utilizing autonomous technology. The list is long and growing. It now includes autonomous trains, helicopters, tractors, ships, submarines, drones, delivery robots, motorcycles, scooters, and bikes, all of whi... » read more

Challenges Grow For Modeling Auto Performance, Power

Rising complexity in automobiles is creating huge challenges about how to add more safety and comfort features and electronics into vehicles without reducing the overall range they can travel or pricing them so high that only the rich can afford them. While the current focus is on modeling hardware and software to understand interactions between systems, this remains a huge challenge. It req... » read more

Zone-ECU Virtualization Solution Platform

The high complexity of future vehicle systems will need to move away from today’s distributed automotive E/E architecture towards a more centralized E/E structure based on less but much more powerful ECUs, instead of many individual control entities. A Zone-oriented architecture moves the integration of numerous functions and services into one ECU. The resulting network concept must deal w... » read more

Data Centers On Wheels

Automotive architectures are evolving quickly from domain-based to zonal, leveraging the same kind of high-performance computing now found in data centers to make split-second decisions on the road. This is the third major shift in automotive architectures in the past five years, and it's one that centralizes processing using 7nm and 5nm technology, specialized accelerators, high-speed memor... » read more

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