Market And Tech Inflections Ahead

Aart de Geus, chairman and co-CEO of Synopsys, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about the path to autonomous vehicles, industry dis-aggregation and re-aggregation, security issues, and who's going to pay for chips at advanced nodes. SE: All of a sudden we have a bunch of new markets opening up for electronics. We have assisted and autonomous driving, AI and machine learning, v... » read more

Disruption Is Here In Automotive And Ground Transportation: Are You Ready?

The automotive and ground transportation industry is being disrupted with the rise of shared, connected, self-driving, electrified vehicles. For those who can innovate fast, it is a once-in-a-century opportunity to leapfrog the competition and win the race to dominate the new mobility industry. Simulation is the key enabler. Are you ready for innovation through simulation? Engineering simula... » read more

Delivering On The Promise Of Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars have been all the rage in both the trade and popular press in recent years. I prefer the term “autonomous vehicles,” which more broadly captures the possibilities, encompassing not only small passenger vehicles but mass transit and industrial vehicles as well. Depending on who’s talking, we will all be riding in fully autonomous vehicles in five to 25 years. The five-... » read more

Tech Talk: ISO 26262 Drilldown

ArterisIP’s Kurt Shuler looks at what can go wrong in automotive design, what are the prerequisites for getting the attention of Tier 1 and OEMs, and what’s involved in automotive design at all levels. » read more

Fast-Tracking Safe Autonomous Vehicles

You can't put a car on the road, a drone in the air or a robot in a warehouse without satisfying the strictest of safety standards. For an autonomous car, for example, this means driving billions of miles — a practical impossibility when time to market is critical. With ANSYS' complete solution for autonomous vehicles, you can put your machine through the required paces in a fraction of the t... » read more

Rules Of The Driverless Road

The growing disparity among states, countries and carmakers over autonomous driving is turning what should be a logical progression into chaos. Consider what's happening in California, which is determined to remain the leader in this tech revolution. The state last month relaxed its testing rules so that cars can be monitored remotely, with no driver actually present inside the car. I... » read more

Improving Security In Cars

When security researchers first demonstrated that they could hack a car over the internet to control its brakes and transmission, Chrysler had to recall 1.4 million vehicles to fix the software vulnerability. The infamous Jeep hack of 2015 was an expensive wake-up call for the automotive industry. So, what has changed since then? In today’s cars, software now controls everything from safet... » read more

Toward Autonomous Farming

While the automotive industry works diligently towards self-driving vehicles, it's possible the carrots you've eaten recently were semi-autonomously planted and harvested with Case IH equipment by Bolthouse Farms, one of the largest carrot growers in the United States. And the U.S. is hardly alone. Autonomous agriculture is coming everywhere, and it's happening much faster than autonomous ca... » read more

The Coming Golden Age For Automotive E/E Design Services And Consulting

By Andrew Macleod and Scott Majdecki The discipline of automotive E/E systems design is being transformed by trends like electrification and autonomous vehicles, which means there is a premium on methodologies like rapid platform (hardware/ software) prototyping, simulation and test, and electrical architecture optimization. Such methodologies hinge on advanced software design tools and the ... » read more

Preparing For AI

Suppose an autonomous car is coming up an on-ramp onto a bridge. The ramp is fine, but the bridge is icy, and there’s an overturned bus full of children blocking several lanes. Children are evacuating through the windows and milling around on the pavement. There isn’t time to stop, even with the better-than-human reaction time an autonomous car might have. Swerving to one side might send... » read more

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