Why Geofencing Will Enable L5

What will it take for a car to be able to drive itself anywhere a human can? Ask autonomous vehicle experts this question and the answer invariably includes a discussion of geofencing. In the broadest sense, geofencing is simply a virtual boundary around a physical area. In the world of self-driving cars, it describes a crucial subset of the operational design domain — the geographic regio... » read more

Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

The great EV ramp EV-related developments are everywhere. California’s move to ban sales of new internal-combustion vehicles by 2035, and the U.S. government’s sweeping embrace of clean-energy, are in lockstep with recent moves by the auto industry and related supply chains, as well as cutting-edge research. One of the big breakthroughs is the ability to charge an EV in 10 minutes witho... » read more

Improving Safety And Security For Tomorrow’s Autonomous Vehicles

With the evolution of autonomous vehicles, today’s cars are becoming both more connected and complex. Consumers and suppliers worldwide are demanding much more intelligence and customization, which adds pressure on product development teams to validate the underlying technology and start their design processes months earlier. Enhancements in hardware and software features also mean that the w... » read more

Driver Monitoring Raises Complexity, Adds Privacy Concerns

While you watch the road, your car may be watching you back. The automotive industry’s transition toward self-driving technology means cars increasingly are equipped with features that measure driver alertness and engagement, among many other data points. Executives say such features save lives and spur innovation, while simultaneously raising significant technical, legal, and ethical questio... » read more

L5 Adoption Hinges on 5G/6G

Truly self-driving cars don’t yet exist, and research shows many consumers are wary of them anyway. What will it take to make fully autonomous cars possible? And how can automakers convince consumers to adopt such vehicles? Experts say the answer to both questions could lie in wireless communication networks. That’s because such networks offer a workaround to a major obstacle in autonomo... » read more

Challenges Grow For Modeling Auto Performance, Power

Rising complexity in automobiles is creating huge challenges about how to add more safety and comfort features and electronics into vehicles without reducing the overall range they can travel or pricing them so high that only the rich can afford them. While the current focus is on modeling hardware and software to understand interactions between systems, this remains a huge challenge. It req... » read more

Where Are The Autonomous Cars?

Are we there yet? Governments, consumers, and engineers alike want to know how close the automotive world is to producing a fully autonomous Level 5 vehicle. While some experts say such vehicles could hit the road in the next few years, they're a shrinking minority. Most forecasts say a truly self-driving car is at least a decade away — and maybe much longer, because it requires disruptive... » read more

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Reports on Levels 2-5

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) released data on crashes for ADAS and ADS systems, as reported by automakers and operators. Data was collected for the time period July 2021-May 2022. Find the SAE Level 2 advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) summary report here and the SAE Levels 3-5 automated driving systems (ADS) summary report here. Report was published in J... » read more

Data Fusion Scheme For Object Detection & Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving

New research paper titled "Multi-View Fusion of Sensor Data for Improved Perception and Prediction in Autonomous Driving" from researchers at Uber. Abstract "We present an end-to-end method for object detection and trajectory prediction utilizing multi-view representations of LiDAR returns. Our method builds on a state-of-the-art Bird's-Eye View (BEV) network that fuses voxelized featur... » read more

Standards And Threat Testing For Secure Autonomous Vehicles

Modern vehicles continue to move up through the levels of autonomy, as defined by The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). These definitions have been widely adopted across the industry and emerging vehicle technology is measured against this scale (figure 1). Fig. 1: An illustration from the Society for Automotive Engineers shows levels of autonomy. The closer we move towards level... » read more

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