A Benchmark Study Of Complementary-Field Effect Transistor (CFET) Process Integration Options

Sub-5 nm logic nodes will require an extremely high level of innovation to overcome the inherent real-estate limitations at this increased device density. One approach to increasing device density is to look at the vertical device dimension (z-direction), and stack devices on top of each other instead of conventionally side-by-side. [1] The fabrication of a Complementary-Field Effect Transistor... » read more

Practical Methods To Overcome The Challenges Of 3D Logic Design

What should you do If you don’t have enough room on your floor to store all your old boxes? Luckily, we live in a 3D world, and you can start stacking them on top of each other. The Challenge: How can we shrink logic devices? Logic designers are currently facing even bigger challenges than you might be having in tidying up your storage area. Not only are logic cells highly packed together... » read more

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