Predicting Hull Resistance Curve Using Marine CFD

In this user case, Marintek uses Fidelity Fine/Marine and Hexpress for resistance curve prediction of a planning hull and its validation against the model test cases. Team involved End User: Eloïse Croonenborghs, Research Scientist at MARINTEK, Maritime division, Trondheim, Norway Team Expert: Sverre Anders Alterskjær, Research Scientist at MARINTEK, Maritime division, Trondheim, Norway... » read more

Robust Design Optimization Of A Ford Turbocharger Compressor

What is robust design optimization (RDO), and is it better than standard optimization? In this customer case, we describe a multi-disciplinary optimization of a turbocharger compressor from Ford Motor Company, in which we demonstrate it is. RDO combines standard numerical optimization with sensitivity analysis to take into account the influence of manufacturing variations and operating uncer... » read more

Best Practice: RANS Turbulence Modeling In Ansys CFD

Turbulence modeling is one of the main sources of uncertainty in CFD simulations of technical flows. This is not surprising, as turbulence is the most complex phenomenon in classical physics. Turbulent flows pose a multi-scale problem, where the dimension of the technical device is often of the order of meters (or even 102 meters in case of airplanes and ships), whereas the smallest turbulence ... » read more

Easing The CFD Engineer’s Life With Automated Meshing

Mesh generation is where the user’s expertise and ingenuity can influence the convergence and accuracy of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solution by selecting mesh type, topology, and cell quality. But with the rush to automate mesh generation, will the control be ripped out of the user’s hand, or will a valuable engineering skill be lost? The extent to which meshing can be automated... » read more

Unleash The Potential of CFD

Classic CFD to High-Order Scalability Instead of relying on expensive prototype testing or experimentation, users now have access to numerous open-source and paid computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software that can help them solve application-specific problems. Today, CFD is no longer about getting one solution at a time; it is about getting the best possible solution from multiple design tes... » read more

EVs Raise Energy, Power, And Thermal IC Design Challenges

The transition to electric vehicles is putting pressure on power grids to produce more energy and on vehicles to use that energy much more efficiently, creating a gargantuan set of challenges that will affect every segment of the automotive world, the infrastructure that supports it, and the chips that are required to make all of this work. From a semiconductor standpoint, improvements in th... » read more

Preparation Of Geometry Models For Mesh Generation And CFD

Making geometry models suitable for CFD meshing is a time-consuming bottleneck in CFD analysis. We will discuss why and ways to fix the problems. Click here to read more. » read more

Structured Grids Are Here For An Eternity

With unstructured meshes delivering promising results in resolving boundary layers, wakes, and other flow features for complex geometries, one might arrive at the conclusion that structured grids will soon be out of the markets because of their reputation for taking a long time for generation. On the contrary, structured grids give you two things that unstructured meshes may lack, i.e., quality... » read more

Fidelity Pointwise Grid Cell Remediation Method For Overset Meshes

In computational fluid dynamics, (CFD) overset meshing is highly appreciated in turbomachinery for moving body applications. Moreover, significant efforts have been made to improve the overset flow solver capability, but only limited developments have been made to what is quickly becoming a bottleneck in the simulation process — the creation of the overset composite grid. Cadence Fidelity Poi... » read more

Mesh Generation And CFD For A Drone’s Coaxial Rotor

Our Cadence Channel Partner in Scandinavia, neptech, shares a case study investigating the interaction of a coaxial rotor system and how to optimize its efficiency. Coaxial rotor systems are appealing for multirotor drones, as they increase thrust without increasing the vehicle’s footprint. However, the thrust of a coaxial rotor system is reduced compared to having the rotors in line. It... » read more

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