Defect Mitigation And Characterization In Silicon Hardmask Materials

From SPIE Digital Library: In this study, metal contaminants, liquid particle count and on-wafer defects of Si- HMs and filtration removal rates are monitored to determine the effect of filter type, pore size, media morphology, and cleanliness on filtration performance. 5-nm PTFE NTD2 filter having proprietary surface treatment used in this study shows lowest defect count. Authors: Vineet... » read more

Eyes On Zero Defects: Defect Detection And Characterization Metrology

By Darin Collins and Jessica Albright Metrology is the science of measuring, characterizing, and analyzing materials. Within metrology, there are several technologies used to detect material defects on a very small scale – precision on the scale of parts per trillion or less is necessary in the pursuit of zero defects. We broadly define our characterization approach into three main categor... » read more

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