Improving Reliability In Automobiles

Carmakers are turning to predictive and preventive maintenance to improve the safety and reliability of increasingly electrified vehicles, setting the stage for more internal and external sensors, and more intelligence to interpret and react to the data generated by those sensors. The number of chips inside of vehicles has been steadily rising, regardless of whether they are powered by elect... » read more

Technical and Structural Approaches To Centralize Automotive E/E Architectures

A technical paper titled "Methodical Approach for Centralization Evaluation of Modern Automotive E/E Architectures" was published by researchers at University of Stuttgart and Daimler Truck AG. Abstract: "Centralization is considered as a key enabler to master the CPU-intensive features of the modern car. The development and architecture change towards the next generation car is influenced ... » read more

Defending Against Message Injection Attacks in Vehicles

This technical paper titled "SAID: State-aware Defense Against Injection Attacks on In-vehicle Network" was presented by researchers at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Zhejiang University, and Texas A&M University at the USENIX Security Symposium in Boston in August 2022. Abstract: "Modern vehicles are equipped with many ECUs (Electronic Control Unit) that are connected to the IVN (... » read more

Addressing Vehicle Security Vulnerabilities With Structure-Aware CAN Fuzzing System

New technical paper titled "Efficient ECU Analysis Technology Through Structure-Aware CAN Fuzzing" from researchers at Soongsil University, Korea University, and Hansung University with funding from the Korean government. Abstract "Modern vehicles are equipped with a number of electronic control units (ECUs), which control vehicles efficiently by communicating with each other through the co... » read more

Design & Implementation of CMOS Interface Circuits For high-Voltage Automotive Signals, with Fully Integrated Clamps

Research paper titled "CMOS Interface Circuits for High-Voltage Automotive Signals" from University of Parma and Silis s.r.l. Abstract "The acquisition of high-voltage signals from sensors and actuators in an internal-combustion engine is often required for diagnostic purposes or in the case of conversion to alternative fuels, such as hydrogen, natural gas, or biogas. The integration of ele... » read more

Zone-ECU Virtualization Solution Platform

The high complexity of future vehicle systems will need to move away from today’s distributed automotive E/E architecture towards a more centralized E/E structure based on less but much more powerful ECUs, instead of many individual control entities. A Zone-oriented architecture moves the integration of numerous functions and services into one ECU. The resulting network concept must deal w... » read more

Hardware-in-the-Loop-Based Real-Time Fault Injection Framework for Dynamic Behavior Analysis of Automotive Software Systems

New academic paper from Institute for Software and Systems Engineering, Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany. Abstract "A well-known challenge in the development of safety-critical systems in vehicles today is that reliability and safety assessment should be rigorously addressed and monitored. As a matter of fact, most safety problems caused by system failures can lead to serious ha... » read more

The Migration of Engine ECU Software From Single-Core to Multi-Core

Abstract "As multiple functions have been added to single-core-based engine electronic control units (ECUs) in vehicles, automotive researchers and manufacturers have actively studied multi-core architecture for engine ECUs. Multi-core architecture can provide load balancing and parallelism that can meet the requirements of international organization standard (ISO) 26262. However, since real-w... » read more

Innovations In Sensor Technology

Sensors are the “eyes” and “ears” of processors, co-processors, and computing modules. They come in all shapes, forms, and functions, and they are being deployed in a rapidly growing number of applications — from edge computing and IoT, to smart cities, smart manufacturing, hospitals, industrial, machine learning, and automotive. Each of these use cases relies on chips to capture d... » read more

Zonal Architectures Play Key Role In Vehicle Security

The automotive ecosystem is starting to shift toward zonal architectures, making vehicle functionality less dependent on the underlying hardware and allowing more flexibility in what gets processed where. The impact of that shift is both broad and significant. For carmakers, it could lead to hardware consolidation and more options for failovers in case something goes wrong with any system in... » read more

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