Data Formats For Inference On The Edge

AI/ML training traditionally has been performed using floating point data formats, primarily because that is what was available. But this usually isn't a viable option for inference on the edge, where more compact data formats are needed to reduce area and power. Compact data formats use less space, which is important in edge devices, but the bigger concern is the power needed to move around... » read more

Maximizing Edge Intelligence Requires More Than Computing

By Toshi Nishida, Avik W. Ghosh, Swaminathan Rajaraman, and Mircea Stan Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) components have enabled a commodity market for Wi-Fi-connected appliances, consumer products, infrastructure, manufacturing, vehicles, and wearables. However, the vast majority of connected systems today are deployed at the edge of the network, near the end user or end application, opening... » read more

Data Collection For Edge AI / Tiny ML With Sensors

Reality AI software from Renesas provides solution suites and tools for R&D engineers who build products and internal solutions using sensors. Working with accelerometers, vibration, sound, electrical (current/voltage/ capacitance), radar, RF, proprietary sensors, and other types of sensor data, Reality AI software identifies signatures of events and conditions, correlates changes in signat... » read more

Patterns And Issues In AI Chip Design

AI is becoming more than a talking point for chip and system design, taking on increasingly complex tasks that are now competitive requirements in many markets. But the inclusion of AI, along with its machine learning and deep learning subcategories, also has injected widespread confusion and uncertainty into every aspect of electronics. This is partly due to the fact that it touches so many... » read more

Analog Circuits Enabling Learning in Mixed-Signal Neuromorphic SNNs, With Tristate Stability and Weight Discretization Circuits

A technical paper titled “Neuromorphic analog circuits for robust on-chip always-on learning in spiking neural networks” was published by researchers at University of Zurich and ETH Zurich. Abstract: "Mixed-signal neuromorphic systems represent a promising solution for solving extreme-edge computing tasks without relying on external computing resources. Their spiking neural network circui... » read more

Analog On-Chip Learning Circuits In Mixed-Signal Neuromorphic SNNs

A technical paper titled "Neuromorphic analog circuits for robust on-chip always-on learning in spiking neural networks" was published by researchers at Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich, and ETH Zurich. Abstract: "Mixed-signal neuromorphic systems represent a promising solution for solving extreme-edge computing tasks without relying on external computing resources. Their s... » read more

Edge Computing: Four Smart Strategies For Safeguarding Security And User Experience

It is a brave new world for enterprise networks. Smart devices are getting smarter, and edge computing is emerging as a viable way to reduce latency and improve performance. But as network architectures grow increasingly amorphous, what kind of impact will this have on security and performance? Download this white paper to discover how you can boost security, ensure quality of service, and futu... » read more

Preparing For 5G Millimeter Wave And 6G

Cellular technology is about to take a giant leap forward, but the packaging, assembly, and testing of the chips used in 5G millimeter wave and the forthcoming 6G ecosystem will be significantly more complicated than anything used in the past. So far, most 5G devices are still working at sub-6 GHz frequencies. A massive rollout of mmWave technology over the next few years will significantly ... » read more

Improving Image Resolution At The Edge

How much cameras see depends on how accurately the images are rendered and classified. The higher the resolution, the greater the accuracy. But higher resolution also requires significantly more computation, and it requires flexibility in the design to be able to adapt to new algorithms and network models. Jeremy Roberson, technical director and software architect for AI/ML at Flex Logix, talks... » read more

Edge HW-SW Co-Design Platform Integrating RISC-V And HW Accelerators

A new technical paper titled "EigenEdge: Real-Time Software Execution at the Edge with RISC-V and Hardware Accelerators" was published by researchers at Columbia University. "We introduce a hardware/software co-design approach that combines software applications designed with Eigen, a powerful open-source C++ library that abstracts linear-algebra workloads, and real-time execution on heterog... » read more

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