Battery Management Getting Competitive For EVs

The success or failure of future electric vehicles will depend on where and how those cars are used, as well as significant advances in battery materials, energy density, and some very complex battery management systems. Battery power needs to be balanced, stored for extended times, and delivered to wherever it is needed most in real time. This is a huge challenge, and nearly everything in a... » read more

Research Bits: March 15

Interferometer on chip Researchers at the University of Rochester developed an optical interferometer on a 2mm by 2mm integrated photonic chip that is capable of amplifying interferometric signals without a corresponding increase in extraneous noise. Interferometers merge two or more sources of light to create interference patterns that provide information able what they illuminate. “If y... » read more

Safe And Reliable MOSFET Operation In Bidirectional Power Switch (BDPS) Applications

The global market for battery-powered applications is rapidly growing, including power tools, service robots, light electric vehicles, and many others. The evolution of switched-mode power supply (SMPS) topologies enables designers to ensure safe charging and discharging of the equipment’s battery using bidirectional converters through the same terminal. However, to meet the safety requiremen... » read more

Traction Inverters Are A Key Application For Electrified Vehicle Designs

High efficiency increases range and reduces cooling efforts while optimized power density assists with space and weight. As sales volumes increase, the focus is shifting to automated manufacturing with increasing quality requirements. The most fundamental system in all electric vehicles is the powertrain and, at the heart of this is the traction inverter that converts energy stored in the ba... » read more

Don’t Toss That Gasoline Engine Just Yet

As auto makers race toward increasingly electrified vehicles, there is an entire after-market effort underway that was started decades ago, largely by hobbyists. And after decades of playing around with batteries and novel technologies, they've come to roughly the same conclusions as the owners of newer electric vehicles. There are definite advantages as well as some limitations, and the needle... » read more

Making Batteries Denser And Safer

Battery technology is improving swiftly, driven by the rapidly rising demand for electric vehicles and the vast body of knowledge developed by the semiconductor industry. The market for electric vehicles (EVs) is on a fast upward trajectory, with global sales predicted to grow more than 12 times to more than 31 million vehicles. In fact, EVs will account for almost a third of new vehicle sal... » read more

System-on-Chip Architecture For Autonomous Driving Systems In Electric Vehicles

English inventor Thomas Parker introduced the first production electric car in 1884. Slower speeds and shorter ranges limited the electric cars of that era. By the early-to-mid 20th century, gas-powered cars were cheaper to operate, able to travel further and faster than their electric counterparts, and quickly rose to dominance. Since the early 2000s, Tesla has been a pioneer in reviving the e... » read more

Startup Funding: March 2021

Self-driving vehicles revved up investors in March, with two companies receiving over $200M apiece as they prepare for their systems to enter mass production. One focuses on software for passenger vehicles, while the other is looking to autonomous trucks. Both of the companies received investment from automakers, with China's largest carmaker SAIC joining each of the funding rounds. It was also... » read more

The EV Era Has Begun: Here Are Five Things We Need For It To Succeed

The EV era has officially begun. General Motors says it will eliminate gas and diesel cars and SUVs from its lineup by 2035 while Ford will go all electric in Europe by 2030. The UK issued plans for phasing out diesel and gas cars by 2035 and then moved it forward to 2030. Fleet customers such as UPS and Amazon are ordering zero emissions delivery vehicles by the thousands and investing in s... » read more

Car Industry Changing Under The Hood

After an initial burst of autonomous activity, the automotive ecosystem regrouped, re-evaluated its goals, and is now ready to begin deploying new technologies made possible by modern development approaches and forward-looking vehicle architectures. The pandemic hurt vehicle sales in 2020, but it also gave the OEMs a chance to catch their breath. Panic over announcements from other carmakers... » read more

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