Research Bits: Jan. 20

Self-correcting memristor array Researchers at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Seoul National University, Sungkyunkwan University, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), and Yonsei University developed a memristor-based neuromorphic chip that can learn and correct errors, enabling it to adapt to immediate environmental changes. The system c... » read more

Technical Paper Roundup: Sept. 12

New technical papers added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library this week. [table id=51 /] Semiconductor Engineering is in the process of building this library of research papers. Please send suggestions (via comments section below) for what else you’d like us to incorporate. If you have research papers you are trying to promote, we will review them to see if they are a good fit f... » read more

Stretchability of Integrated Thin Film Transistors (TFT)

A new technical paper titled "High density integration of stretchable inorganic thin film transistors with excellent performance and reliability" was published by researchers at Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) in Korea. "In this study, we show high density integration of oxide thin film transistors having excellent performance and reliability by directly embeddin... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Nov. 25

Rigid or flexible in one device Researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) in Daejeon, University of Colorado Boulder, Washington University in St. Louis, Cornell University, and Georgia Institute of Technology proposed a system that would allow electronics to transform from stiff devices to flexib... » read more

System Bits: Dec. 11

Calculating the costs of autonomous vehicles The development of autonomous vehicle technology commands a lot of media coverage. Little reporting has been devoted to the costs of operating AVs, a subject that developers don’t discuss in general. The Houston-Galveston Area Council’s website recently divulged contract figures with two startups, and EasyMile. For Silicon Valley-bas... » read more

Materials For Future Electronics

Examining the research underway in electronics materials provides a keyhole view into what may be possible in future electronics design. Although some of this research will not end up in commercial products, it does provide an indication of the kinds of problems that are being addressed, how they are being approached, and where the research dollars are being spent. Flexible electronics are a... » read more