Bringing a Sharper World In Focus With Virtual UHD Verification

UHD-4K designs require a verification solution that can handle longer, larger frames, faster frame rates, richer colors, wider contrasts, and highly complex chips. Emulation has the speed, capacity, and performance to churn very quickly through the massive amounts of data and long sequences required for verification. Visualization tools are needed to understand and debug what’s going on in UH... » read more

Way Too Much Data

Moving to the next process nodes will produce volumes more data, forcing chipmakers to adopt more expensive hardware to process and utilize that data, more end-to-end methodologies, as well as using tools and approaches that in the past were frequently considered optional. Moreover, where that data needs to be dealt with is changing as companies adopt a "shift left" approach to developing so... » read more

Bridging Hardware And Software

The barriers between hardware and software design and verification are breaking down with more intricately integrated systems, bringing together different disciplines and tools. But there are lingering questions about exactly what this shift means design methodologies, team interactions, and what kind of training will be required in the future. Playing heavily into this is the fact that toda... » read more

System-Level Verification Tackles New Role

Wally Rhines, chairman and CEO of Mentor Graphics, gave the keynote at DVCon this year. He said that if you pull together a bunch of pre-verified IP blocks, it does not change the verification problem at the system level. That sounds like a problem. There are assumptions made that the IP blocks work to a reasonable degree, and that when performing system-level verification the focus is not a... » read more

Stories From The Village Called Hardware-Assisted Development

They say it takes a village to raise children and, as a dad of an 11-year-old girl, I can relate. Similarly, for system development and hardware-assisted verification, the overall ecosystem of users, use models, and partners is equally important. The recent CDNLive Silicon Valley event is a great example. The SoC and Hardware/Software track that my team and I were hosting featured NVIDIA, Netro... » read more

Are Simulation’s Days Numbered?

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the limitations of simulation in more complex designs with [getperson id="11049" comment="Michael McNamara"], CEO of [getentity id="22716" comment="Adapt-IP”]; Pete Hardee, product management director at [getentity id="22032" e_name="Cadence"]; David Kelf, vice president of marketing for for [getentity id="22395" e_name="OneSpin Solutions"]; Lauro... » read more

The Week In Review: Design/IoT

Mergers & Acquisitions Cadence acquired [getentity id="22444" comment="Rocketick"], an Israel-based company focused on multicore parallel simulation. Founded in 2008, their original rise and claim to fame was acceleration on GPUs, having received significant funding from Nvidia. The deal is expected to close in the second quarter of fiscal 2016, and terms were not disclosed. Tools &am... » read more

Are Simulation’s Days Numbered?

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the limitations of simulation in more complex designs with [getperson id="11049" comment="Michael McNamara"], CEO of [getentity id="22716" comment="Adapt-IP”]; Pete Hardee, product management director at [getentity id="22032" e_name="Cadence"]; David Kelf, vice president of marketing for [getentity id="22395" e_name="OneSpin Solutions"]; Lauro Riz... » read more

A Formal Transformation

A very important change is underway in functional verification. In the past, this was an esoteric technology and one that was difficult to deploy. It was relegated to tough problems late in the verification cycle, and it was difficult to justify the ROI unless the technology actually did find some problems. But all of that has changed. Formal verification companies started to use the technology... » read more

An Unsustainable Divide

One of the great things about attending DVCon, or any other conference for that matter, is the networking. You get to see so many people who are eager to learn, to talk and to share ideas. When this happens, you tend to hear a lot of statements that have to rattle around in your mind for a while before you can start to make sense of them and see if any coherent themes emerge. By themes, I am... » read more

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