Using Formal Verification Across A Spectrum Of Design Applications

Chip designers worldwide have told us that Jasper is fundamentally different in how we approach their technical and business problems by delivering a high ROI (return on investment) through the application of advanced formal verification techniques. Our tools address a spectrum of key verification challenges - from getting the architecture unambiguously right, to putting more power in the hands... » read more

The Road Ahead For 2014: Tools

In the third and final part of this predictions series we see the natural conclusion of market shifts that are driving changes in semiconductors, and which in turn drive the tools and IP needed to create those systems. To be expected, the changes fall into a few areas: New tools, techniques and changes required for smaller geometries; A migration to higher-levels of abstraction and the... » read more

Verifying Security Aspects of SoC Designs with Jasper App

This paper presents Jasper technology and methodology to verify the robustness of secure data access and the absence of functional paths touching secure areas of a design. Recently, we have seen an increasing demand in industrial hardware design to verify security information. Complex system-on-chips, such as those for cell phones, game consoles, and servers contain secure information. And it i... » read more

Tech Talk: Security Risks In An SoC

Lawrence Loh, vice president of engineering at Jasper Design Automation, maps out the security threats in complex systems on chip. [youtube vid=5GBYOnCBfEE] » read more

Do Students Need More Formal Education?

A few weeks ago, some of the top researchers and practitioners in the area of formal methods converged on Portland, Oregon. The event was the annual Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD) conference and Semiconductor Engineering attended the panel titled “Teaching Formal Methods: Needs, Challenges, Experiences, and Opportunities.” Panelists included: Jason Baumgartner, formal verif... » read more

Cracking The Tough Nut Using Formal Methods

Pranav Ashar, CTO of Real Intent, assured a packed room of researchers and practitioners of formal methods at the recent FMCAD conference: “Static verification is being used in the verification of designs. Every major chip out there is using static methods for sign-off today.” He used an analogy of cracking a nut. “There’s a right way and a wrong way and if you don’t pick the right me... » read more

User Case Study

In prior articles I’ve written in general terms of about formally verifying the impact of adding low power control circuitry with Jasper’s Low Power Verification App. At the recent Jasper User’s Group meeting on Oct. 22, a real world case study of this app in action at STMicro’s R&D center in India was presented. Here are some highlights from this paper: DUT in question: an AR... » read more

Experts At The Table: The Future Of Verification

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the future of verification with Janick Bergeron, Synopsys fellow; Harry Foster, chief verification scientist at Mentor Graphics; Frank Schirrmeister, group director of product marketing for the Cadence System Development Suite; Prakash Narain, president and CEO of Real Intent; and Yunshan Zhu, vice president of new technologies at Atrenta. What foll... » read more

Start Verification Early To Avoid Pitfalls Later

It is well understood – at least from a theoretical point of view – that design verification should start as early as possible. The reality is that that doesn’t always happen for a variety of reasons such as enormous time to market pressure, too many new features to add, lack of foresight and discipline among other things. But progress is being made. Harry Foster, chief scientist for v... » read more

Experts At The Table: Debug

By Ed Sperling Semiconductor Engineering sat down with Galen Blake, senior verification engineer at Altera; Warren Stapleton, senior fellow at Advanced Micro Devices; Stephen Bailey, director of solutions marketing at Mentor Graphics; Michael Sanie, senior director of verification marketing at Synopsys. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. SE: The amount of IP is increasing and i... » read more

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