Automated Tool Flow From Domain-Specific Languages To Generate Massively Parallel Accelerators on HBM-Equipped FPGAs

A new technical paper titled "Automatic Creation of High-bandwidth Memory Architectures from Domain-specific Languages: The Case of Computational Fluid Dynamics" was published by researchers at Politecnico di Milano and TU Dresden. The paper states "In this article, we propose an automated tool flow from a domain-specific language for tensor expressions to generate massively parallel acceler... » read more

FPGA-based Infrastructure, With RISC-V Prototype, to Enable Implementation & Evaluation of Cross-Layer Techniques in Real HW (Best Paper Award)

A technical paper titled "MetaSys: A Practical Open-Source Metadata Management System to Implement and Evaluate Cross-Layer Optimizations" was published by researchers at University of Toronto, ETH Zurich, and Carnegie Mellon University. This paper won the Best Paper Award at the HiPEAC 2023 conference. Abstract: "This paper introduces the first open-source FPGA-based infrastructure, MetaSy... » read more

FPGAs: Automated Framework For Architecture-Space Exploration of Approximate Accelerators

A technical paper titled "autoXFPGAs: An End-to-End Automated Exploration Framework for Approximate Accelerators in FPGA-Based Systems" was published (preprint) by researchers at TU Wien, Brno University of Technology, and NYUAD. Abstract "Generation and exploration of approximate circuits and accelerators has been a prominent research domain exploring energy-efficiency and/or performance... » read more

Using Formal Verification To Optimize HLS-Produced Circuits (ETH Zurich)

A new technical paper titled "Eliminating Excessive Dynamism of Dataflow Circuits Using Model Checking" was published by researchers at ETH Zurich. Abstract "Recent HLS efforts explore the generation of dynamically scheduled, dataflow circuits from high-level code; their ability to adapt the schedule at runtime to particular data and control outcomes promises superior performance to standar... » read more

A RISC-V On-Chip Parallel Power Controller for HPC (ETH Zurich, U. of Bologna)

A new technical paper titled "ControlPULP: A RISC-V On-Chip Parallel Power Controller for Many-Core HPC Processors with FPGA-Based Hardware-In-The-Loop Power and Thermal Emulation" was published (preprint) by researchers at ETH Zurich and University of Bologna. Abstract (partial) "High-Performance Computing (HPC) processors are nowadays integrated Cyber-Physical Systems demanding complex an... » read more

HBM-Enabled FPGA-Based Graph Processing Accelerator

A technical paper titled "ACTS: A Near-Memory FPGA Graph Processing Framework" was published by researchers at University of Virginia and Samsung. Abstract: "Despite the high off-chip bandwidth and on-chip parallelism offered by today's near-memory accelerators, software-based (CPU and GPU) graph processing frameworks still suffer performance degradation from under-utilization of available ... » read more

Emulation System for Racetrack Memories Based on FPGA

A technical paper titled "ERMES: Efficient Racetrack Memory Emulation System based on FPGA" was written by researchers at University of Calabria and TU Dresden. "This paper presents a new emulation system for RTMs based on heterogeneous FPGA-CPU Systems-on-Chips (SoCs). Thanks to its high flexibility, the proposed emulator can be easily configured to evaluate different memory architectures. ... » read more

Micro FPGAs And Embedded FPGAs

When people hear “FPGA” they think “big, expensive, power hungry.”  But it doesn’t need to be that way. Renesas has announced their Forge FPGA family. Details are at their website and in one of the many articles that covered their press release. Forge FPGAs show that FPGAs don’t have to be big, power hungry, and expensive. Forge FPGAs are tiny, draw standby current measure... » read more

Side-Channel Attacks Via Cache On the RISC-V Processor Configuration

A technical paper titled "A cross-process Spectre attack via cache on RISC-V processor with trusted execution environment" was published by researchers at University of Electro-Communication, Academy of Cryptography Techniques, Technology Research Association of Secure IoT Edge Application based on RISC-V Open Architecture (TRASIO), and AIST. "This work proposed a cross-process exploitation ... » read more

Manycore-FPGA Architecture Employing Novel Duet Adapters To Integrate eFPGAs in a Scalable, Non-Intrusive, Cache-Coherent Manner (Princeton)

A technical paper titled "Duet: Creating Harmony between Processors and Embedded FPGAs" was written by researchers at Princeton University. Abstract "The demise of Moore's Law has led to the rise of hardware acceleration. However, the focus on accelerating stable algorithms in their entirety neglects the abundant fine-grained acceleration opportunities available in broader domains and squan... » read more

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