CFU Playground: Significant Speedups & Design Space Exploration Between CPU & Accelerator

Technical paper titled "CFU Playground: Full-Stack Open-Source Framework for Tiny Machine Learning (tinyML) Acceleration on FPGAs," from Google, Purdue University and Harvard University. Abstract "We present CFU Playground, a full-stack open-source framework that enables rapid and iterative design of machine learning (ML) accelerators for embedded ML systems. Our toolchain tightly integr... » read more

Repositioning For A Changing IC Market

Sailesh Chittipeddi, executive vice president at Renesas, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about how changes in end markets are shifting demand for technology. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. SE: Renesas has acquired a number of companies over the past several years. What's the goal? Chittipeddi: The goal very simply is to create an industry leading solutio... » read more

A Methodology for Automatic eFPGA redaction

New academic paper titled "ALICE: An Automatic Design Flow for eFPGA Redaction" from researchers at Politecnico di Milano, New York University, University of Calgary, and the University of Utah. Abstract "Fabricating an integrated circuit is becoming unaffordable for many semiconductor design houses. Outsourcing the fabrication to a third-party foundry requires methods to protect the intell... » read more

Research Platform for Heterogeneous Computing (ETH Zurich)

New academic paper from ETH Zurich, "HEROv2: Full-Stack Open-Source Research Platform for Heterogeneous Computing." Abstract: "Heterogeneous computers integrate general-purpose host processors with domain-specific accelerators to combine versatility with efficiency and high performance. To realize the full potential of heterogeneous computers, however, many hardware and software design ... » read more

System-Level Benefits Of The Versal Platform

Moore's Law has fueled the technological prosperity of the last 50 years, but it is generally believed now that Gordon Moore's 1965 forecast about the pace of innovation no longer holds true today. Continuing the silicon architectures of yesterday cannot meet the expanding demands of tomorrow's workloads. Frequently highlighted by today’s leaders in the field of computer architecture [Ref 1],... » read more

Customizable FPGA-Based Hardware Accelerator for Standard Convolution Processes Empowered with Quantization Applied to LiDAR Data

Abstract "In recent years there has been an increase in the number of research and developments in deep learning solutions for object detection applied to driverless vehicles. This application benefited from the growing trend felt in innovative perception solutions, such as LiDAR sensors. Currently, this is the preferred device to accomplish those tasks in autonomous vehicles. There is a bro... » read more

Increasing Performance With Data Acceleration

Increasing demand for functions that require a relatively high level of acceleration per unit of data is providing a foothold for in-line accelerator cards, which could mean new opportunities for some vendors and a potential threat for others. For years, either CPUs, or CPUs with FPGA accelerators, met most market needs. But the rapid increase in the volume of data everywhere, coupled with t... » read more

QubiC: An Open-Source FPGA-Based Control and Measurement System for Superconducting Quantum Information Processors

Abstract: "As quantum information processors grow in quantum bit (qubit) count and functionality, the control and measurement system becomes a limiting factor to large-scale extensibility. To tackle this challenge and keep pace with rapidly evolving classical control requirements, full control stack access is essential to system-level optimization. We design a modular field-programmable gate a... » read more

Open RAN Direct RF Sampling Radio Transceiver Architectures For Massive MIMO

With the exponential increase in wireless traffic, mobile networks are transformed into more software-driven, virtualized, flexible, intelligent, and energy efficient systems. These trends have stimulated significant change in the core network with the advent of software defined networks (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV), which have enabled building more agile and less expensive ... » read more

Technology Advancements For Dynamic Function eXchange In Vivado ML Edition

As systems become more complex and designers are asked to do more with less, adaptability is a critical asset. While Xilinx FPGAs and SoCs always provided the flexibility to perform on-site device reprogramming, current constraints including increased cost, tighter board space, and power consumption demand even more efficient design strategies. Xilinx Dynamic Function eXchange (DFX) extends the... » read more

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