Graphene-based PUFs that are reconfigurable and resilient to ML attacks

Researchers at Pennsylvania State University propose using graphene to create physically unclonable functions (PUFs) that are energy efficient, scalable, and secure against AI attacks. Abstract "Graphene has a range of properties that makes it suitable for building devices for the Internet of Things. However, the deployment of such devices will also likely require the development of s... » read more

IC Security Threat Grows As More Devices Are Connected

Designing for security is beginning to gain traction across a wider swath of chips and systems as more of them are connected to the Internet and to each other, sometimes in safety- and mission-critical markets where the impact of a cyber attack can be devastating. But it's also becoming more difficult to design security into these systems. Unlike in the past, connectivity is now considered e... » read more

Guiding Principles To Ensure Your Hardware Is Secure

The modern society relies on complex, intelligent electronic systems. Automotive, avionics, medical, smartphones, communication and 5G networks, critical infrastructure, data centers, and other applications are ever more dependent on integrated circuits (ICs) that deliver high performance, low power consumption, safety, cybersecurity, and continuity of operation. Hardware is so central to compe... » read more

Security In FPGAs And SoCs

Chip security is becoming a bigger problem across different markets, with different emerging standards and more sophisticated attacks. Jason Moore, senior director of engineering at Xilinx, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about current and future threats and what can be done about them. » read more

Longer Chip Lifecycles Increase Security Threat

The longer chips and electronic systems remain in use, the more they will need to be refreshed with software and firmware updates. That creates a whole new level of security risks, ranging from over-the-air intercepts to compromised supply chains. These problems have been escalating as more devices are connected to the Internet and to each other, but it's particularly worrisome when it invol... » read more

Radix Coverage For Hardware Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) Guide

MITRE's hardware Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) database aggregates hardware weaknesses that are the root causes of vulnerabilities in deployed parts. A complete list can be found on the MITRE Hardware Design Webpage. Hardware CWEs are ideal to be used alongside internally developed security requirements databases and have been developed and submitted by both government and commercial design... » read more

The Key is Left under the Mat: On the Inappropriate Security Assumption of Logic Locking Schemes

Abstract: "Logic locking has been proposed as an obfuscation technique to protect outsourced IC designs from IP piracy by untrusted entities in the design and fabrication process. In this case, the netlist is locked by adding extra key-gates, and will be unlocked only if a correct key is applied to the key-gates. The key is assumed to be written into a non-volatile memory after the fabricati... » read more

Why It’s So Hard To Stop Cyber Attacks On ICs

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss security risks across multiple market segments with Helena Handschuh, security technologies fellow at Rambus; Mike Borza, principal security technologist for the Solutions Group at Synopsys; Steve Carlson, director of aerospace and defense solutions at Cadence; Alric Althoff, senior hardware security engineer at Tortuga Logic; and Joe Kiniry, princi... » read more

Make Hardware Strong With CWE

What is a weakness? And why should we care? These questions are relevant in probably any field or context you may think of, well beyond engineering or electronics. While in some cases the first-level answers might be obvious, in many others they are not. Generally, weaknesses are considered bad things that can lead to malfunctions, injuries, and other undesirable situations. In many cases, they... » read more

Detecting And Preventing Automotive Hardware Security Vulnerabilities

In this new whitepaper, you will learn: How to detect and prevent hardware security vulnerabilities in automotive applications with Tortuga Logic’s Radix See how using Radix, as part of your Automotive Security Development Lifecycle, automates and enables a security signoff methodology Click here to read white paper. » read more

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