Review of Tools & Techniques for DL Edge Inference

A new technical paper titled "Efficient Acceleration of Deep Learning Inference on Resource-Constrained Edge Devices: A Review" was published in "Proceedings of the IEEE" by researchers at University of Missouri and Texas Tech University. Abstract: Successful integration of deep neural networks (DNNs) or deep learning (DL) has resulted in breakthroughs in many areas. However, deploying thes... » read more

Where And Why AI Makes Sense In Cars

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about where AI makes sense in automotive and what are the main challenges, with Geoff Tate, CEO of Flex Logix; Veerbhan Kheterpal, CEO of Quadric; Steve Teig, CEO of Perceive; and Kurt Busch, CEO of Syntiant. What follows are excerpts of that conversation, which were held in front of a live audience at DesignCon. Part two of this... » read more

Complex Tradeoffs In Inferencing Chips

Designing AI/ML inferencing chips is emerging as a huge challenge due to the variety of applications and the highly specific power and performance needs for each of them. Put simply, one size does not fit all, and not all applications can afford a custom design. For example, in retail store tracking, it's acceptable to have a 5% or 10% margin of error for customers passing by a certain aisle... » read more

Techniques For Improving Energy Efficiency of Training/Inference for NLP Applications, Including Power Capping & Energy-Aware Scheduling

This new technical paper titled "Great Power, Great Responsibility: Recommendations for Reducing Energy for Training Language Models" is from researchers at MIT and Northeastern University. Abstract: "The energy requirements of current natural language processing models continue to grow at a rapid, unsustainable pace. Recent works highlighting this problem conclude there is an urgent need ... » read more

Can Analog Make A Comeback?

We live in an analog world dominated by digital processing, but that could change. Domain specificity, and the desire for greater levels of optimization, may provide analog compute with some significant advantages — and the possibility of a comeback. For the last four decades, the advantages of digital scaling and flexibility have pushed the dividing line between analog and digital closer ... » read more

Transforming AI Models For Accelerator Chips

AI is all about speeding up the movement and processing of data. Ali Cheraghi, solution architect at Flex Logix, talks about why floating point data needs to be converted into integer point data, how that impacts power and performance, and how different approaches in quantization play into this formula. » read more

Expedera: Custom Deep Learning Accelerators Through Soft-IP

Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have caused a massive increase in data generation — and along with it, a need to process data faster and more efficiently. Dubbed a “tsunami of data,” data centers are expected to consume about one-fifth of worldwide energy before 2030. This data explosion is driving a wave of startups looking to gain a foothold in custom accele... » read more

How Inferencing Differs From Training in Machine Learning Applications

Machine learning (ML)-based approaches to system development employ a fundamentally different style of programming than historically used in computer science. This approach uses example data to train a model to enable the machine to learn how to perform a task. ML training is highly iterative with each new piece of training data generating trillions of operations. The iterative nature of the tr... » read more

Using ML In EDA

Machine learning is becoming essential for designing chips due to the growing volume of data stemming from increasing density and complexity. Nick Ni, director of product marketing for AI at Xilinx, examines why machine learning is gaining traction at advanced nodes, where it’s being used today and how it will be used in the future, how quality of results compare with and without ML, and what... » read more

How Dynamic Hardware Efficiently Solves The Neural Network Complexity Problem

Given the high computational requirements of neural network models, efficient execution is paramount. When performed trillions of times per second even the tiniest inefficiencies are multiplied into large inefficiencies at the chip and system level. Because AI models continue to expand in complexity and size as they are asked to become more human-like in their (artificial) intelligence, it is c... » read more

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