New Uses For Manufacturing Data

The semiconductor industry is becoming more reliant on data analytics to ensure that a chip will work as expected over its projected lifetime, but that data is frequently inconsistent or incomplete, and some of the most useful data is being hoarded by companies for competitive reasons. The volume of data is rising at each new process node, where there are simply more things to keep track of,... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: May 11

Covid-19 data mining Using machine learning and other technologies, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has developed a data text-mining tool to help synthesize a growing amount of scientific literature on Covid-19. Each day, some 200 new journal articles are being published on the coronavirus alone, according to Berkeley Lab. Berkeley Lab’s data mining tool, which is liv... » read more

Inference Moves To The Network

Machine-learning inference started out as a data-center activity, but tremendous effort is being put into inference at the edge. At this point, the “edge” is not a well-defined concept, and future inference capabilities will reside not only at the extremes of the data center and a data-gathering device, but at multiple points in between. “Inference isn't a function that has to resid... » read more

Startup Funding: April 2020

It was another strong month for automotive startups, with one autonomous trucking company in China drawing a massive $100M investment. Another hot area was optimization of machine learning deployments, including one new company launch. Quantum computing, etch equipment, and mmWave feature in this month's look at twenty-two startups that collectively raised $375M. Semiconductors & design ... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: May 5

Spiking neural network radar chip Imec has developed what the R&D organization says is the world’s first chip that processes radar signals using a spiking recurrent neural network. Initially, the chip from Imec is designed for low-power, anti-collision radar systems in drones. Neural networks are used in the field of machine learning. A subset of AI, machine learning utilizes a neu... » read more

The Murky World Of AI Benchmarks

AI startup companies have been emerging at breakneck speed for the past few years, all the while touting TOPS benchmark data. But what does it really mean and does a TOPS number apply across every application? Answer: It depends on a variety of factors. Historically, every class of design has used some kind of standard benchmark for both product development and positioning. For example, SPEC... » read more

Capturing Bugs Visually

This paper presents a new way to comprehend complex scenarios, in order to significantly accelerate bug detection and resolution. By defining a new visual language, which creates interaction vertices between the simulation scenarios and the code structure on a single matrix, we offer a novel way to compare multiple cycles. It enables verification engineers to reach solid conclusions regarding a... » read more

Using Big Data For Yield And Reliability

John O’Donnell, CEO of yieldHUB, talks about the importance of clean data for traceability, yield improvement and device reliability, where and how it gets cleaned, and why that needs to be accompanied by domain expertise. » read more

What’s Next With AI In Fabs?

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the issues and challenges with machine learning in semiconductor manufacturing with Kurt Ronse, director of the advanced lithography program at Imec; Yudong Hao, senior director of marketing at Onto Innovation; Romain Roux, data scientist at Mycronic; and Aki Fujimura, chief executive of D2S. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. Part one ... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: April 21

Memristors reappear The University of Massachusetts Amherst has taken a step towards of the realization of neuromorphic computing--it has devised bio-voltage memristors based on protein nanowires. In neuromorphic computing, the idea is to bring the memory closer to the processing tasks to speed up a system. For this, the industry is attempting to replicate the brain in silicon. The goal is ... » read more

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