Effects of Size Scaling and Device Architecture on the Radiation Response of Nanoscale MOS Transistors

A new technical paper titled "Perspective on radiation effects in nanoscale metal–oxide–semiconductor devices" was published by a researcher at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. The work was partially supported by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research and Air Force Research Laboratory. According to the paper, "this Perspect... » read more

Ultra-Fast Photonic Computing Using Polarization

New technical paper titled "Polarization-selective reconfigurability in hybridized-active-dielectric nanowires" was recently published by researchers at University of Oxford and University of Exeter.  The paper demonstrates "the ability to use polarization as a parameter to selectively modulate the conductance of individual nanowires within a multi-nanowire system. By using polarization as the... » read more

Define & Grow III–V Vertical Nanowires At A High Footprint Density on a Si Platform

New technical paper titled "Directed Self-Assembly for Dense Vertical III–V Nanowires on Si and Implications for Gate All-Around Deposition" is published from researchers at Lund University in Sweden. Abstract: "Fabrication of next generation transistors calls for new technological requirements, such as reduced size and increased density of structures. Development of cost-effective proc... » read more

Hybrid Sensing Platform w/Silicon Nanowires on a Fully Functional CMOS Chip Containing the Readout Electronics & Signal amplification

New technical paper titled "Multisite Dopamine Sensing With Femtomolar Resolution Using a CMOS Enabled Aptasensor Chip" from TU Dresden, Riken Quantitative Biological Center, Imperial College London, NaMLab gGmbH, ETH Zürich, MaxWell Biosystems AG, TU Wien, and Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research. Abstract "Many biomarkers including neurotransmitters are found in external bo... » read more

The resurrection of tellurium as an elemental two-dimensional semiconductor

Abstract "The graphene boom has triggered a widespread search for novel elemental van der Waals materials thanks to their simplicity for theoretical modeling and easy access for material growth. Group VI element tellurium is an unintentionally p-type doped narrow bandgap semiconductor featuring a one-dimensional chiral atomic structure which holds great promise for next-generation electronic, ... » read more

Label-Free C-Reactive Protein Si Nanowire FET Sensor Arrays With Super-Nernstian Back-Gate Operation

Abstract: "We present a CMOS-compatible double gate and label-free C-reactive protein (CRP) sensor, based on silicon on insulator (SOI) silicon nanowires arrays. We exploit a reference subtracted detection method and a super-Nernstian internal amplification given by the double gate structure. We overcome the Debye screening of charged CRP proteins in solutions using antibodies fragments as c... » read more

High Electron Mobility in Strained GaAs Nanowires

Abstract: "Transistor concepts based on semiconductor nanowires promise high performance, lower energy consumption and better integrability in various platforms in nanoscale dimensions. Concerning the intrinsic transport properties of electrons in nanowires, relatively high mobility values that approach those in bulk crystals have been obtained only in core/shell heterostructures, where elec... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Sept. 28

Pneumatic memory Engineers at the University of California Riverside developed a pneumatic memory that can be used to control soft robots. Pneumatic soft robots use pressurized air to move soft, rubbery limbs and grippers, making them ideal for delicate tasks as well as safer to be around. However, they still require electronic valves and computers to control and maintain positions. The ... » read more

Impact Of GAA Transistors At 3/2nm

The chip industry is poised for another change in transistor structure as gate-all-around (GAA) FETs replace finFETs at 3nm and below, creating a new set of challenges for design teams that will need to be fully understood and addressed. GAA FETs are considered an evolutionary step from finFETs, but the impact on design flows and tools is still expected to be significant. GAA FETs will offer... » read more

Thinner Channels With 2D Semiconductors

Moving to future nodes will require more than just smaller features. At 3/2nm and beyond, new materials are likely to be added, but which ones and exactly when will depend upon an explosion of material science research underway at universities and companies around the globe. With field-effect transistors, a voltage applied to the gate creates an electric field in the channel, bending the ban... » read more

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