Lines Blurring Between Supercomputing And HPC

Supercomputers and high-performance computers are becoming increasingly difficult to differentiate due to the proliferation of AI, which is driving huge performance increases in commercial and scientific applications and raising similar challenges for both. While the goals of supercomputing and high-performance computing (HPC) have always been similar — blazing fast processing — the mark... » read more

Post-Quantum Cryptography: Safeguarding The Future Of Digital Security

As technological advancements surge forward, the specter of quantum computing looms ever larger. While the promise of quantum computers holds the potential to revolutionize fields like weather forecasting, drug discovery, and fundamental physics, it also harbors a significant threat to our current cryptographic systems. The risk is not just a future concern; any sensitive data intercepted today... » read more

Addressing Quantum Computing Threats With SRAM PUFs

You’ve probably been hearing a lot lately about the quantum-computing threat to cryptography. If so, you probably also have a lot of questions about what this “quantum threat” is and how it will impact your cryptographic solutions. Let’s take a look at some of the most common questions about quantum computing and its impact on cryptography. What is a quantum computer? A quantum comput... » read more

Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC): New Algorithms For A New Era

Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), also known as Quantum Safe Cryptography (QSC), refers to cryptographic algorithms designed to withstand attacks by quantum computers. Quantum computers will eventually become powerful enough to break public key-based cryptography, also known as asymmetric cryptography. Public key-based cryptography is used to protect everything from your online communications... » read more

Side-Channel Attack Protection For Quantum Safe Cryptography

A recent Reuters Special Report discussed the race between the US and China to protect digital assets and communications from the potential threat posed by quantum computers. Cryptographically relevant quantum computers, those that are powerful enough to crack existing public key-based encryption methods, could compromise military, economic, and personal information across the globe. While the ... » read more

Post-Quantum Cryptography/PQC: New Algorithms For A New Era

Quantum computing is being pursued across industry, government and academia globally with tremendous energy, and powerful quantum computers will become a reality in the not-so-distant future. To ensure today’s data remains protected into the future, we need to implement now security solutions that safeguard against quantum attacks. Click here to read more. » read more

Framework for Prototyping And In-Hardware Evaluation of Post-Quantum Cryptography HW Accelerators (TU Darmstadt)

A technical paper titled “PQC-HA: A Framework for Prototyping and In-Hardware Evaluation of Post-Quantum Cryptography Hardware Accelerators” was published by researchers at TU Darmstadt. Abstract: "In the third round of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography standardization project, the focus is on optimizing software and hardware implementations of candidate schemes. The winning schemes are ... » read more

Quantum Plus AI Widens Cyberattack Threat Concerns

Quantum computing promises revolutionary changes to the computing paradigm that the semiconductor industry has operated under for decades, but it also raises the prospect of widespread cybersecurity threats. Quantum computing cyberattacks will occur millions of times faster than any assault conventional computing can muster. And while quantum computing is in an early stage of development, ex... » read more

Draft Standards For Quantum Safe Cryptography Are Here

The world of security is constantly evolving, and in the few short weeks that have passed since my last blog on What It Takes To Make An SoC Design Quantum Safe, there have been some new and exciting developments in the world of quantum safe cryptography. On August 24th, 2023, NIST published the first three draft standards for general-purpose Quantum Safe Cryptography (also known as Post-Quantu... » read more

Protecting Data And Devices Now And In The Quantum Computing Era

Quantum computing is being pursued across industry, government and academia with tremendous energy and is set to become a reality in the not-so-distant future. Once sufficiently large quantum computers exist, traditional asymmetric cryptographic methods for key exchange and digital signatures will be broken. Many initiatives have been launched throughout the world to develop and deploy new quan... » read more

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