Post-Quantum Cryptography: The Algorithms That Will Protect Data In The Quantum Era

There is no doubt that quantum computers will play a significant role in helping the world solve complex challenges not possible on current classical computers. However, quantum computers also pose a serious security threat. They will eventually become powerful enough to break traditional asymmetric cryptographic methods, that is, some of the most common security protocols used to protect sensi... » read more

Secure Implementation Of Post-Quantum Crypto In The Spotlight

The US-based NIST body takes a leading role in the migration to Post-Quantum Crypto (PQC). After a multi-year selection process, in 2022 they preliminarily identified a number of Post Quantum algorithms, which were recommended to replace the current public key algorithms (RSA, ECC). While the process of scrutiny is still ongoing, they now took another important step by putting emphasis on imple... » read more

Solving The Quantum Threat With Post-Quantum Cryptography On eFPGAs

The quantum threat and post-quantum cryptography Advances in quantum computing technology threaten the security of current cryptosystems. Asymmetric cryptography algorithms that are used by modern security protocols for key exchange and digital signatures rely on the complexity of certain mathematical problems. Currently, the main problems used for asymmetric cryptography are integer f... » read more

Vehicle Security: Post-Quantum Security to the CAN Network

This new technical paper titled "PUF-Based Post-Quantum CAN-FD Framework for Vehicular Security" is published by researchers at University of Tennessee. Abstract "The Controller Area Network (CAN) is a bus protocol widely used in Electronic control Units (ECUs) to communicate between various subsystems in vehicles. Insecure CAN networks can allow attackers to control information between vit... » read more

Post Quantum Cryptography Is Coming

Quantum computing has made big advances in recent years and experts agree that quantum computers capable of breaking 2048-bit RSA or 256-bit ECC will be built — it’s just a matter of time. In this white paper, we discuss the security algorithms NIST has selected for Post Quantum Cryptography (PQC) and their instantiation in Rambus security products. Download this white paper to learn: ... » read more

FICS Research Institute: Detailed Assessment of the PQC Candidates To Power Side Channel Attacks

New research paper by a team of researchers from FICS Research Institute titled "PQC-SEP: Power Side-Channel Evaluation Platform for Post-Quantum Cryptography Algorithms." Abstract "Research in post-quantum cryptography (PQC) aims to develop cryptographic algorithms that can withstand classical and quantum attacks. The recent advance in the PQC field has gradually switched from the theory t... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Oct. 19

Post-quantum crypto chip Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) designed and had fabricated an ASIC to run new encryption algorithms that can stand up to quantum computing. “Ours is the first chip for post-quantum cryptography to be based entirely on a hardware/software co-design approach,” said Georg Sigl, Professor of Security in Information Technology at TUM. “As a... » read more

Post-Quantum Cryptography

Quantum computing is increasingly seen as a threat to communications security: rapid progress towards realizing practical quantum computers has drawn attention to the long understood potential of such machines to break fundamentals of contemporary cryptographic infrastructure. While this potential is so far firmly theoretical, the cryptography community is preparing for this possibility by deve... » read more

Security Implications Of Quantum Computing

The US Government just stepped up the push for quantum computing with an award of $625 million in funding to create five quantum information research centers. Industry and academic institutions will contribute $300 million toward this effort with the remainder drawn from the $1.2 billion earmarked in the 2018 law: the National Quantum Initiative Act. The race to quantum computing is a global on... » read more

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