Review of Automatic EM Image Algorithms for Semiconductor Defect Inspection (KU Leuven, Imec)

A new technical paper titled "Electron Microscopy-based Automatic Defect Inspection for Semiconductor Manufacturing: A Systematic Review" was published by researchers at KU Leuven and imec. Abstract: "In this review, automatic defect inspection algorithms that analyze Electron Microscope (EM) images of Semiconductor Manufacturing (SM) products are identified, categorized, and discussed. Thi... » read more

SLM Analytics Of In-Chip Monitor Data Unlock Greater Productivity And Cost Savings

When it comes to measuring key operational metrics such as power and performance of your silicon, in-chip monitors have been the longstanding cornerstone for providing such valuable measurements and insights. Data captured from these monitors – process monitors configured in the form of ring oscillator chains being the most common – can tell you if your chip is meeting the requisite power o... » read more

In-Chip Sensing And PVT Monitoring: Not Just An Insurance Policy

You wouldn’t drive an expensive car without insurance or take a flight in an aircraft without performing instrument and control surface checks. So why would you take the risk of designing a multi-million dollar advanced node semiconductor device without making sure you are aware of, and able to manage, the dynamic conditions that had the potential to make or break a silicon product? Advanced... » read more

Chip Monitoring And Test Collaborate

As on-chip monitoring becomes more prevalent in complex advanced-node ICs, it’s easy to question whether or not it conflicts with conventional silicon testing. It might even supplant such testing in the future. Or alternatively, they could interact, with each supporting the other. “On-chip monitors provide fine-grained observability into effects and issues that are otherwise difficult or... » read more