Framework To Compile Quantum Programs Onto Chiplets (UCSB, Cisco)

A technical paper titled "Compilation for Quantum Computing on Chiplets" was published by researchers at UC Santa Barbara and Cisco Quantum Lab. Abstract: "Chiplet architecture is an emerging architecture for quantum computing that could significantly increase qubit resources with its great scalability and modularity. However, as the computing scale increases, communication between qubits w... » read more

Quantum: Loophole-​Free Bell Test with Superconducting Circuits (ETH Zurich)

A new technical paper titled "Loophole-free Bell inequality violation with superconducting circuits" was published by a group of researchers led by ETH Zurich. Abstract (partial) "Here we demonstrate a loophole-free violation of Bell’s inequality with superconducting circuits, which are a prime contender for realizing quantum computing technology. To evaluate a Clauser–Horne–Shimony... » read more

Toolbox For Designing Heterogeneous Quantum Systems

A new technical paper titled "Microarchitectures for Heterogeneous Superconducting Quantum Computers" was published by researcher at: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Princeton University, University of Chicago, Rutgers University, MIT, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Infleqtion. Abstract: "Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Computing (NISQ) has dominated headlines in recent years, ... » read more

Research Bits: May 2

Reconfigurable FeHEMT Researchers at the University of Michigan created a reconfigurable ferroelectric transistor that could enable a single amplifier to do the work of multiple conventional amplifiers. “By realizing this new type of transistor, it opens up the possibility for integrating multifunctional devices, such as reconfigurable transistors, filters and resonators, on the same plat... » read more

Quantum Light Source Fully Integrated On A Chip

A new technical paper titled "Quantum light source goes fully on-chip, bringing scalability to the quantum cloud" was published by researchers at Leibniz University Hannover, University of Twente and QuiX Quantum. Abstract: "Integrated photonics has recently become a leading platform for the realization and processing of optical entangled quantum states in compact, robust and scalable chip ... » read more

Using Photonic Band Gap in Triangular SiC Structures for Efficient Quantum Nanophotonic HW

A new technical paper titled "Utilizing photonic band gap in triangular silicon carbide structures for efficient quantum nanophotonic hardware" was published by researchers at UC Davis. Abstract: "Silicon carbide is among the leading quantum information material platforms due to the long spin coherence and single-photon emitting properties of its color center defects. Applications of silico... » read more

Big Shifts At Very Small Geometries

The number of changes across the semiconductor industry are accelerating and widening. There are more innovations, in more places, and in more applications. What follows is a small peek at just how many significant changes are afoot, where they are happening, and who's getting recognized for their efforts. Quantum computing, but hold the math The modern electronics industry rests on multip... » read more

Transferring Qubits Directly Between Quantum Computing Microchips (U. of Sussex/ Universal Quantum)

A new technical paper titled "A high-fidelity quantum matter-link between ion-trap microchip modules" was published by researchers at University of Sussex, Universal Quantum Ltd, University College London and University of Bristol. “As quantum computers grow, we will eventually be constrained by the size of the microchip, which limits the number of quantum bits such a chip can accommodate.... » read more

Countering The Threat From Quantum Computers

Quantum computers hold much promise for the future, yet their computing power poses a significant threat to current security methods such as public key cryptography. In this white paper, Infineon will examine this issue in detail, propose an approach for future security based on TPMs and discuss current TPM technology. The reader can expect to gain a good appreciation of the security issues sur... » read more

Research Bits: Jan. 17

Ionic circuit for neural nets Researchers at Harvard University and DNA Script developed an ionic circuit comprising hundreds of ionic transistors for neural net computing. While ions in water move slower than electrons in semiconductors, the team noted that the diversity of ionic species with different physical and chemical properties could be harnessed for more diverse information process... » read more

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