What Happened To Portable Stimulus?

In June 2018, Accellera released the initial version of the Portable Test and Stimulus Standard (PSS), a new verification language that was slated to be the first new abstraction defined within EDA for a couple of decades. So what happened to it? Apart from a few updates at DVCon, there appears to be little talk about it today. However, the industry has its head down trying to make it work, ... » read more

Universal Verification Methodology Coverage For Bluespec RISC-V Cores

Attempting to achieve complete RISC-V verification requires multiple methodologies, one of which is coverage driven simulation based on UVM constrained random methods and complaint with the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) standard. This whitepaper explains the basics of UVM functional coverage for RISC-V cores using the Google RISCV-DV open-source project, Synopsys verification solu... » read more

SG2042 64-Core RISC-V CPU Versus Existing RISC-V HW And High Performance x86 CPUs

A technical paper titled “Is RISC-V ready for HPC prime-time: Evaluating the 64-core Sophon SG2042 RISC-V CPU” was published by researchers at University of Edinburgh. Abstract: "The Sophon SG2042 is the world's first commodity 64-core RISC-V CPU for high performance workloads and an important question is whether the SG2042 has the potential to encourage the HPC community to embrace RISC-... » read more

Understanding UVM Coverage For RISC-V Processor Designs

Attempting to achieve complete RISC-V verification requires multiple methodologies employing a wide range of relevant tools, including: • Coverage driven simulation based on UVM constrained random methods and compliant with the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) standard • Static and formal property verification • Equivalence checking • Emulation and FPGA based verific... » read more

Week In Review: Design, Low Power

Design & IP Arm launched the Neoverse Compute Subsystems (CSS), pre-integrated and validated configurations of Arm Neoverse platform IP, at this week's Hot Chips conference. CSS helps streamline SoC designs for data centers and is optimized for an advanced 5nm process. The first generation of CSS (Neoverse CSS N2) is based on Arm’s Neoverse N2 platform. Core count is configurable (24 to ... » read more

Formally Modeling A Security Monitor For Virtual Machine-Based Confidential Computing Systems (IBM)

A technical paper titled “Towards a Formally Verified Security Monitor for VM-based Confidential Computing” was published by researchers at IBM Research and IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. Abstract: "Confidential computing is a key technology for isolating high-assurance applications from the large amounts of untrusted code typical in modern systems. Existing confidential computing syste... » read more

Optimizing IC Designs For Real-World Use Cases

Semiconductor systems are becoming more focused on power, performance, and area for the primary scenarios they are likely to see in real-world applications, but increasingly at the expense of secondary tasks. This is happening at all levels of abstraction and all stages of the design flow. At the highest level, processors are being optimized to run a given set of software. RISC-V is one of t... » read more

RISC-V Customization Gets A Standing Ovation

Processor vendors have always tried to create a large software ecosystem around their products, because it creates stickiness and it naturally “locks-in” large numbers of customers who have invested in the creation of dedicated software. This effect is growing over time as the quantity of software is ever increasing per product: we could talk about more than 100 million lines of code in a c... » read more

Formal Processor Model Providing Provably Secure Speculation For The Constant-Time Policy

A new technical paper titled "ProSpeCT: Provably Secure Speculation for the Constant-Time Policy" was published by researchers at imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven, CEA, and INRIA. This paper was included at the recent 32nd USENIX Security Symposium. Abstract: "We propose ProSpeCT, a generic formal processor model providing provably secure speculation for the constant-time policy. For constant-tim... » read more

EDA Tool To Detect SW-HW Vulnerabilities Ensuring Data Confidentiality In A RISC-V Architecture

A technical paper titled “SoftFlow: Automated HW-SW Confidentiality Verification for Embedded Processors” was published by researchers at RWTH Aachen University, Robert Bosch, and Newcastle University. Abstract: "Despite its ever-increasing impact, security is not considered as a design objective in commercial electronic design automation (EDA) tools. This results in vulnerabilities being... » read more

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