Specialization Vs. Generalization In Processors

Academia has been looking at specialization for many years, but solutions were rejected because general-purpose solutions were advancing fast enough to keep up with most application requirements. That is no longer the case. The introduction and support of the RISC-V processor architecture has attracted a lot of attention, but whether that is the right direction for the majority of modern comput... » read more

A RISC-V Capability Architecture Orchestrating Compiler, Architecture, And System Designs For Full Memory Safety (Georgia Tech, Arm Research)

A technical paper titled “RV-CURE: A RISC-V Capability Architecture for Full Memory Safety” was published by researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology and Arm Research. Abstract: "Despite decades of efforts to resolve, memory safety violations are still persistent and problematic in modern systems. Various defense mechanisms have been proposed, but their deployment in real systems re... » read more

A Safety Island For Safe Use of HPC Devices For Safety-Critical Systems with RISC-V

A technical paper titled “Envisioning a Safety Island to Enable HPC Devices in Safety-Critical Domains” was published by researchers at Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Intel. Abstract: "HPC (High Performance Computing) devices increasingly become the only alternative to deliver the performance needed in safety-critical autonomous systems (e.g., autonomous cars, unmanned planes) du... » read more

Implementing Fast Barriers For A Shared-Memory Cluster Of 1024 RISC-V Cores

A technical paper titled “Fast Shared-Memory Barrier Synchronization for a 1024-Cores RISC-V Many-Core Cluster” was published by researchers at ETH Zürich and Università di Bologna. "Synchronization is likely the most critical performance killer in shared-memory parallel programs. With the rise of multi-core and many-core processors, the relative impact on performance and energy overhe... » read more

RISC-V Open Platform for Next-Gen Automotive ECUs (ETH Zurich, Huawei)

A technical paper titled “Towards a RISC-V Open Platform for Next-generation Automotive ECUs” was published by researchers at ETH Zurich and Huawei Research Center (Italy). Abstract: "The complexity of automotive systems is increasing quickly due to the integration of novel functionalities such as assisted or autonomous driving. However, increasing complexity poses considerable challenges... » read more

Re-Targetable LLVM C/C++ Compiler For RISC-V

RISC-V is a modular instruction set architecture (ISA) with great customization capabilities that enable innovation and differentiation without fragmentation. On top of the baseline modules from ratified/standard ISA extensions, such as integer instructions or floating-point instructions, designers can add custom instructions: pure design freedom! And the reasons for adding instructions are man... » read more

A Hardware Accelerator Designed For The Homomorphic SEAL-Embedded Library

A technical paper titled "VLSI Design and FPGA Implementation of an NTT Hardware Accelerator for Homomorphic SEAL-Embedded Library" was published by researchers at University of Pisa. Abstract: "Homomorphic Encryption (HE) allows performing specific algebraic computations on encrypted data without the need for decryption. For this reason, HE is emerging as a strong privacy-preserving solution... » read more

Megatrends At DAC

Spotting key trends over three days of a semiconductor design conference is a challenge, but some important ones come into focus after attending multiple sessions — AI/ML, chiplet integration, and heterogeneous integration in an SoC and package. Frank Schirrmeister, vice president solutions and business development at Arteris IP, talks about a variety of topics that fit under the DAC umbrella... » read more

Not All There: Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Design Tools

The design, implementation, and programming of multicore heterogeneous systems is becoming more common, often driven by the software workloads, but the tooling to help optimize the processors, interconnect, and memory are disjointed. Over the past few years, many tools have emerged that help with the definition and implementation of a single processor, optimized for a given set of software. ... » read more

Fault Awareness And Reliability Improvements In a Fault-Tolerant RISC-V SoC (HARV-SoC)

A technical paper titled “Enhancing Fault Awareness and Reliability of a Fault-Tolerant RISC-V System-on-Chip” was published by researchers at University of Montpellier and University of Vale do Itajaí. Abstract: "Recent research has shown interest in adopting the RISC-V processors for high-reliability electronics, such as aerospace applications. The openness of this architecture enables... » read more

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