Blog Review: July 20

Synopsys' Ron Lowman examines the various neural networks used in camera applications, the balancing act between camera lens choice and neural networks implemented, and how IP and embedded vision processors help optimize the designs. Siemens' Katie Tormala considers the importance of acoustic performance in consumer electronics and why it's important to understand the relationships between t... » read more

Week in Review: Manufacturing, Test

Fab capacity STMicroelectronics and GlobalFoundries inked a deal to build a new jointly-operated 300mm fab adjacent to ST’s existing 300mm facility in Crolles, France. This facility is targeted to ramp at full capacity by 2026, with up to 620,000 300mm wafer per year production at full build-out (~42% ST and ~58% GF). The new facility will support several technologies, with a special focus... » read more

Week In Review: Auto, Security, Pervasive Computing

Automotive, mobility The head of Tesla’s Autopilot division — Andrej Karpathy — resigned from the company after Tesla laid off 200 people in its Autopilot division and the U.S. National Highway Transportation Safety Administration broadened its safety investigation of Tesla’s Autopilot. The NHTSA last month broadened its August 2021 investigation, which was looking at why Tesla cars on... » read more

Blog Review: July 13

Siemens' John Sturtevant finds that the patterning requirements of next generation lithographic processes have pushed lithographers to explore the advantages of curvilinear masks, and notes some of the tools coming along to help. Cadence's Paul McLellan learns from Kyle Chen of Microsoft and Suomin Cui of Cadence how deep learning and electromagnetic solvers can be used to optimize high-dens... » read more

Improving Yield With Machine Learning

Machine learning is becoming increasingly valuable in semiconductor manufacturing, where it is being used to improve yield and throughput. This is especially important in process control, where data sets are noisy. Neural networks can identify patterns that exceed human capability, or perform classification faster. Consequently, they are being deployed across a variety of manufacturing proce... » read more

Finding Frameworks For End-To-End Analytics

End-to-end analytics can improve yield and ROI on tool purchases, but reaping those benefits will require common data formats, die traceability, an appropriate level of data granularity — and a determination of who owns what data. New standards, guidelines, and consortium efforts are being developed to remove these barriers to data sharing for analytics purposes. But the amount of work req... » read more

Week In Review, Manufacturing, Test

The U.S. is attempting to restrict sales of ASML’s deep ultra-violet (DUV) litho systems to China, according to a report from Bloomberg. The U.S. has been working to limit China's access to advanced technology for some time, and it has already limited sales of extreme ultra-violet (EUV), which is used to develop chips at the most advanced process nodes. DUV, in contrast, is used for older-nod... » read more

Blog Review: July 6

Synopsys' Mike Gianfagna looks at how the data center paradigm has shifted in the last ten years with an exponential increase in the amount of data demanding new approaches to storage that rely on distributed networks. Cadence's Frank Schirrmeister explains multidisciplinary design analysis and optimization, or MDAO, and how it is being combined with machine learning models to enhance classi... » read more

Blog Review: June 29

Synopsys' Emilie Viasnoff argues that optical sensors are critical building blocks of autonomous vehicles and that sensor digital twins have the potential to dramatically reduce the amount of field testing needed by using driving simulators for tasks ranging from design and testing to integration and autonomous driving system co-optimization. Siemens' Sumit Vishwakarma considers the evolutio... » read more

EDA Embraces Big Data Amid Talent Crunch

The semiconductor industry’s labor crunch finally has convinced chip designers to bet big money on big data. As recently as 2016, executives weren’t sure there was a market for big data approaches to electronic design automation. The following year, utilization of big data remained stuck in its infancy. And in 2018, Semiconductor Engineering questioned why the EDA sector wasn’t investi... » read more

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