Navigating The Intersection Of Safety And Security

Vehicle systems and the semiconductors used within them are some of the most complex electronics seen today. In the past, electronics going into vehicle systems implemented flat architectures with isolated functions controlling various components of the power train and vehicle dynamics. However, to support the realization of Level 4 and Level 5 (L4/L5) autonomous driving, a massive restructure ... » read more

Fuzz Testing Software-Defined Vehicles Using Agent Instrumentation

Cybersecurity has become intertwined into each step of the automotive development process. In particular, fuzz testing has proven to be a powerful approach to detect unknown vulnerabilities in automotive systems. But with limited instrumentation, especially on software-heavy systems such as high-performance computers (HPCs), several types of issues go undetected, including memory leaks and case... » read more

Automotive Outlook: 2022

The auto industry is widening its focus this year, migrating to new architectures that embrace better security, faster data movement, and eventually more manageable costs. The auto industry is facing both short-term and long-term challenges. In the short term, the chip shortage continues to top the list of concerns for the world's automakers. That shortage has delayed new vehicle deliveries,... » read more

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