The Week In Review: Design

Tools Mentor released new software for automated set-up of PCB DFT rules. The tool extracts relevant PCB design technology from the design data to determine the correct PCB technology classification, then maps the PCB classification to the constraints associated with the applicable manufacturing processes to run only the checks necessary for the design. IP Synopsys improved the convolu... » read more

Safety Plus Security: Solutions And Methodologies

By Ed Sperling & Brian Bailey As more technology makes its way into safety-critical markets—and as more of those devices are connected to the Internet—security issues are beginning to merge with safety issues. The number of attempted cyberattacks is up on every front, which has big implications for devices used in safety-related applications. There are more viruses, ransomware, an... » read more

Safety Plus Security: A New Challenge

Nobody has ever integrated safety or security features into their design just because they felt like it. Usually, successive high-profile attacks are needed to even get an industry's attention. And after that, it's not always clear how to best implement solutions or what the tradeoffs are between cost, performance, and risk versus benefit. Putting safety and security in the same basket is a ... » read more

Hardware/Software Tipping Point

It doesn't matter if you believe [getkc id="74" comment="Moore's Law"] has ended or is just slowing down. It is becoming very clear that design in the future will be significant different than it is today. Moore's law allowed the semiconductor industry to reuse design blocks from previous designs, and these were helped along by a new technology node—even if it was a sub-optimal solution. I... » read more

Blog Review: May 31

Mentor's Michael White predicts that 10nm will come on the scene in a big way this year with a leap to an estimated 9% foundry market share. At the recent RISC-V Workshop, Cadence's Paul McLellan considers whether fully open-source silicon is really viable. Synopsys' Robert Vamosi investigates the security risks posed by the proliferation of connected aftermarket automotive products and a... » read more

RISC-V Pros And Cons

Simpler, faster, lower-power hardware with a free, open, simple instruction set architecture? While it sounds too good to be true, efforts are underway to do just that with RISC-V, the instruction-set architecture (ISA) developed by UC Berkeley engineers and now administered by a foundation. It has been known for some time that with [getkc id="74" comment="Moore's Law"] not offering the same... » read more

Respecting Reset

Resets are a necessary part of all synchronous designs because they allow them to be brought into a known state. However, such a simple process can lead to many problems within an [getkc id="81" kc_name="SoC"]. No longer can reset be considered a simple operation when power initially is applied to a circuit. Instead, the design of reset has many implications on cost, area and routability, a... » read more

Closing The Loop On Power Optimization

[getkc id="108" kc_name="Power"] has become a significant limiter for the capabilities of a chip at finer geometries, and making sure that performance is maximized for a given amount of power is becoming a critical design issue. But that is easier said than done, and the tools and methodologies to overcome the limitations of power are still in the early definition stages. The problem spans a... » read more

The Week In Review: Design

IP ARM launched the Mali-C71 image signal processor (ISP), targeting ADAS SoCs. The ISP is capable of processing up to 4 real-time cameras and 16 camera streams with a single pipeline and provides advanced error detection with more than 300 dedicated fault detection circuits. Included is full reference software to control the ISP, sensor, auto white balance and auto exposure. Synopsys ext... » read more

The Problem With Clocks

The synchronous digital design paradigm has enabled us to design circuits that are well controlled, but that is only true if the clocks themselves are well controlled. While overdesign techniques ensured that to be the case in early ASIC development, designs today cannot afford such luxuries. As we strive for lower power and higher operating frequencies, the clock has become a critical desig... » read more

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