Similar But Different — The Tale Of Transient And Permanent Faults

When determining whether an IC is safe from random hardware faults, applying safety metrics such as PMHF, SPFM, and LFM, engineers must analyze both transient and permanent faults. This paper highlights the fundamental differences between permanent and transient faults on digital circuits, and why this distinction is important in the context of the ISO 26262:2018 functional safety standard. ... » read more

Functional Safety Verification Of Serial Peripheral Interface

A new technical paper titled "FMEDA based Fault Injection to Validate Safety Architecture of SPI" was published by researchers at R.V. College of Engineering in India and Analog Devices. Abstract "The integration of advanced technologies into Electrical Vehicles (EV) has been increasing in recent times, so it has become crucial to evaluate the risk of the technologies that are deployed into... » read more

ISO 26262:2018 Fault Analysis In Safety Mechanisms

Authors: Jörg Grosse1, Mark Hampton1, Sergio Marchese1, Jörg Koch2, Neil Rattray1, Alin Zagardan2 1OneSpin Solutions, Munich, Germany 2Renesas Electronics Europe, Duesseldorf, Germany ISO 26262-5 requires the determination of hardware safety metrics, including SPFM and LFM. Latent and residual diagnostic coverage are also important metrics to assess the effectiveness of safety mechanisms... » read more

Reshaping Automotive Design

The entire automotive ecosystem is being reshaped by vehicle electrification, assisted and autonomous driving, and the connectivity needed to make it all work. So far, it's not clear just how smoothly this will all come together. In this redefined world, electronics and software will provide differentiation rather than mechanical engineering and possibly even brand name, creating change on a... » read more