Users Talk Back On Standards Process

One of the major themes of DVCon this year was the standard that currently goes by the name of Portable Stimulus (see related story, Portable Stimulus – The Name Must Change). It is not ready for prime time yet, but there was plenty to hear and learn about the emerging standard, including what users think about it and the standardization process. The panel gave the users the opportunity to vo... » read more

Devices Threatened By Analog Content?

As the amount of analog content in connected devices explodes, ensuring that the analog portion works properly has taken on a new level of urgency. Analog circuitry is required for interpreting the physical world and for moving data to other parts of the system, while digital circuitry is the fastest way to process it. So a sensor that gives a faulty reading in a car moving at high speed or ... » read more

The Future Of Medical Device Certification

Given the critical nature of the functions performed by today’s medical devices, greater scrutiny along with the need for more certifiable software is on this rise. There is more interest today in government standards such as FDA 510K and IEC 62304 for medical device software. Enhanced scrutiny from government agencies can introduce unexpected delays – or even jeopardize the commercial rele... » read more

IoT Will Grow Faster With More Flexible Wireless Design

The fascinating numbers-within-the-numbers for the forecasted growth in Internet of Things (IoT) devices is this: By 2020, it’s estimated there will be nearly 2 billion low-power radio-connected devices, specifically with Bluetooth 5 and 802.15.4 (Zigbee and Thread). Those numbers are compelling because not only is that a quadrupling of the amount of low-power radio devices today, but the val... » read more

All I Want For Christmas…

As I write this, we’re heading into the 2016 holiday season. December 21 is also the shortest day of the year, so I better get right to the point. 2016 has been a year of many surprises. The spectacular consolidation in the semiconductor industry has permanently altered the landscape.  It has created new, world-class capability and left a few gaps as well. 2.5D designs are finally moving ... » read more

DO-254 Explained

This white paper, the first in a series of DO-254-related white papers, will explore the high-level concepts and activities within the DO-254 Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware specification, why they exist, and what they mean. In this paper, we will explore the safety-related concepts of requirements traceability, design assurance levels, the overall DO-254-compliant fl... » read more

Embedded Software Verification Issues Grow

Embedded software is becoming more critical in managing the power and performance of complex designs, but so far there is no consensus about the best way to approach it—and that's creating problems. Even with safety-critical standards such as DO-178C for aerospace and [gettech id="31076" comment="ISO 26262"] for automotive, different groups of tool providers approach software from differen... » read more

Accelerating DO-254 Approval

This white paper explores software tools as they relate to meeting the DO-254 Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware specifications, and what steps must be performed in order to use your typical design automation tools such as simulation, synthesis, etc. In this paper, we will explore how DO-254 views tools, learn which tools receive the highest scrutiny and why, and how to ... » read more

How Many Nanometers?

What’s the difference between a 10nm and a 7nm chip? That should be a straightforward question. Math, after all, is the only pure science. But as it turns out, the answer is hardly science—even if it is all about numbers. Put in perspective, at 65nm, companies defined the process node by the half pitch of the first metal layer. At 40/45nm, with the cost and difficulty of developing n... » read more

What Can Go Wrong In Automotive

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss automotive engineering with Jinesh Jain, supervisor for advanced architectures in Ford’s Research and Innovation Center in Palo Alto; Raed Shatara, market development for automotive infotainment at [getentity id="22331" comment="STMicroelectronics"]; Joe Hupcey, verification product technologist at [getentity id="22017" e_name="Mentor Graphics"]; ... » read more

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