
Visualization of Photoexcited Charges Moving Across the Interface of Si/Ge


A technical paper titled “Imaging hot photocarrier transfer across a semiconductor heterojunction with ultrafast electron microscopy” was published by researchers at UC Santa Barbara and UCLA.

“In this work, we apply scanning ultrafast electron microscopy to provide a holistic view of photoexcited charge dynamics in a Si/Ge heterojunction. We find that the built-in potential and the band offsets drastically modify the diffusion process of hot photocarriers across the heterojunction due to charge trapping, with significant implications for hot-carrier-based applications,” states the paper.

Find the technical paper here and the university news release here.

B.S. Shaheen, K. Huynh, Y. Quan, U. Choudhry, R. Gnabasik, Z. Xiang, M. Goorsky, B. Liao, Imaging hot photocarrier transfer across a semiconductor heterojunction with ultrafast electron microscopy, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
121 (40) e2410428121,https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2410428121 (2024).

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