Week 10: Tallying It Up

I’m sticking with the theme of financial housekeeping given the DAC-related meeting I’m off to this week. Several of us on the executive committee are getting together to audit the 2014 conference and begin budget planning for the 52nd DAC. Prosaic stuff, I know, though it’s an important part of being good stewards to our main sponsors, who I blogged about two weeks ago. Of course we’re... » read more

Who Owns DAC?

In June I was chatting with an editor unfamiliar with DAC and he was wondering who owns the conference. It’s a fair question and I recall thinking I’d blog about it as part of my effort to boost understanding of DAC. After all, my goal is to let you glimpse behind the curtain and that means touching on the prosaic though very important issue of ownership. First, the basics. DAC is owne... » read more