
A PIM Architecture That Supports Floating Point-Precision Computations Within The Memory Chip


A technical paper titled “FlutPIM: A Look-up Table-based Processing in Memory Architecture with Floating-point Computation Support for Deep Learning Applications” was published by researchers at Rochester Institute of Technology and George Mason University.


“Processing-in-Memory (PIM) has shown great potential for a wide range of data-driven applications, especially Deep Learning and AI. However, it is a challenge to facilitate the computational sophistication of a standard processor (i.e. CPU or GPU) within the limited scope of a memory chip without contributing significant circuit overheads. To address the challenge, we propose a programmable LUT-based area-efficient PIM architecture capable of performing various low-precision floating point (FP) computations using a novel LUT-oriented operand-decomposition technique. We incorporate such compact computational units within the memory banks in a large count to achieve impressive parallel processing capabilities, up to 4x higher than state-of-the-art FP-capable PIM. Additionally, we adopt a highly-optimized low-precision FP format that maximizes computational performance at a minimal compromise of computational precision, especially for Deep Learning Applications. The overall result is a 17% higher throughput and an impressive 8-20x higher compute Bandwidth/bank compared to the state-of-the-art of in-memory acceleration.”

Find the technical paper here. Published: June 2023.

Sutradhar, Purab Ranjan, Sathwika Bavikadi, Mark Indovina, Sai Manoj Pudukotai Dinakarrao, and Amlan Ganguly. “FlutPIM: A Look-up Table-based Processing in Memory Architecture with Floating-point Computation Support for Deep Learning Applications.” In Proceedings of the Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2023, pp. 207-211. 2023.

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