EM Analysis At Advanced Nodes

Going forward, a very different method of EM assessment can be proposed if we look at interconnect reliability from the position of its functionality, when the failure of the interconnect means its inability to function properly. The two most important functions of the chip interconnect are: Providing connectivity between different parts of design for proper signal propagations (signal circ... » read more

EM Analysis At Advanced Nodes

EM statistics Almost 50 years ago, James Black demonstrated experimentally that TTF of the metal line stressed by direct current (DC) of density j at the temperature T follows the dependency where k is the Boltzmann constant, and A is the proportionality coefficient, which can depend on line geometry, residual stress, and temperature. Two critical parameters, the current density exponen... » read more

Electromigration Analysis At Advanced Nodes

Introduction Continuous downward scaling is challenging electromigration (EM) signoff using traditional EM checking approaches. The size reduction of metal line cross sections results in higher current densities, which are governed by technology scaling. With the transition to advanced technological nodes, the widely-predicted decrease in EM lifetime is responsible for the pessimistic performa... » read more

Power Grid Analysis

By Marko Chew Introduction Power grids (PGs) have consumed an increasingly larger percentage of routing resources in recent process node generations, due to lower maximum current limits imposed by the foundry. It is not uncommon to see upwards of 30% of the routing resources consumed by the PG, with correspondingly negative implications for a design’s routability. Of course, the design’... » read more

BIST For Low-Power Devices

By Stephen Pateras The persistent growth of mobile computing is driving an increasing need to manage power consumption within semiconductor devices. This has significant implications on the design and test of these devices. Low-power requirements affect test in two separate ways. First, it’s important to ensure that any functional power constraints are met (or at least adequately managed) du... » read more

Power? It’s The Apps, Stupid!

Shabtay Matalon When I bought my first iPhone, I envisioned using it mostly to make phone calls and occasionally to view e-mails and browse the Web. For navigation, I used a separate GPS. But all this changed when I realized that I can use the Waze App on my iPhone for real-time navigation or to play games while listening to music on a boring coast-to-coast domestic flight. These new “apps�... » read more

Best Practices

By Tom Fitzpatrick Active power control management for low-power designs has become a hot topic, especially with the latest update to the Unified Power Format standard. Version 2.1 was approved by IEEE on March 6, 2013. UPF gives the ability to specify power control for different parts of a design, separate from the RTL itself. The advent of low-power design has greatly increased the comple... » read more

Leakage Optimization

By Arvind Narayanan For consumer electronics such as cell phones, tablets, and laptops, long battery life is a key requirement. Battery life is directly related to total power consumption—which is a function of switching activity, capacitance, and voltage—across all operational modes. In full active mode on a cell phone, for example, the dynamic power that comes from signal switching is hi... » read more

Guidelines For Designing Multi-Voltage ICs

By Arvind Narayanan Multi-voltage designs are increasingly common in ICs for mobile devices, but can be difficult to implement. The design flows for multi-voltage architectures are inherently complex and present many new challenges because many blocks are either operating at different voltages or are shut down intermittently. Multi-threshold CMOS switches enable switching off certain portio... » read more

The Next UPF

By Erich Marschner If all goes according to schedule, the new version (2.1) of five-year-old Unified Power Format (UPF) standard will be approved by the IEEE early next year. This is good news, because in the five years since UPF was first defined the demand for systems with both longer battery life and more functionality has increased significantly. As just one example: according to Gartner, ... » read more

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