Locking When Emulating Xtensa LX Multi-Core On A Xilinx FPGA

Today's high-performance computing systems often require the designer to instantiate multiple CPU or DSP cores in their subsystem. However, the performance gained by using multiple CPUs comes with additional programming complexity, especially when accessing shared memory data structures and hardware peripherals. CPU cores need to access shared data in an atomic fashion in a multi-core environme... » read more

RISC-V Conformance

Experts At The Table: Despite growing excitement and participation in the development of the RISC-V ecosystem, significant holes remain in the development flow. One of the most concerning is conformance, which must exist before software portability becomes possible. Semiconductor Engineering discussed the issue with John Min, vice president of customer service at Arteris; Zdeněk Přikryl, CTO... » read more

Mastering Cyber Awareness: Training For The Digital Battlefield

In today’s digital battlefield, cyber awareness is crucial for warfighters. To effectively prepare them, it’s essential to create realistic and detailed models of mobile networks, encompassing both physical and virtual infrastructure. This is where network modeling software comes into play, offering a high-fidelity approach to enhance cyber situational awareness. A high-fidelity modeling an... » read more

Accelerate AI SoC Designs with NoC Tiling

Network-on-chip (NoC) tiling technology is revolutionizing AI and machine learning-enabled semiconductor designs. This emerging approach uses proven, robust network-on-chipIP to facilitate scaling, condense design time, speed testing and reduce design risk. It allowsSoC architects to create modular, scalable designs by replicating soft tiles across the chip. Each soft tile represents a self-con... » read more

Blog Review: Oct. 30

Synopsys' Frank Schirrmeister argues that hardware-assisted verification techniques like emulation and prototyping are essential to help engineers improve design behavior to manage complexity and ensure systems function seamlessly in real-world applications. Siemens’ Stephen V. Chavez finds that ultra high-density interconnect (UHDI) has changed the design and production of PCBs to enable ... » read more

Early Architecture Performance and Power Analysis of Multi-Die Designs

Despite the clear advantages of multi-die designs, there are numerous new challenges that stand in the way of multi-die design realization. This white paper focuses on those challenges that can be addressed by early architecture exploration of multi-die designs, including: -System pathfinding -Memory utilization and coherency -Power/thermal management Find out how to overcome such chall... » read more

Four Real-World Applications for Electromagnetic Simulation

With the complexity of integrated circuit (IC) components increasing, electromagnetic (EM) circuit simulation is now critical for accurate and efficient design. The EM effects on a circuit can drastically alter voltage levels and damage semiconductor devices. With EM simulation, designers can account for EM effects on their circuit to avoid costly problems before they happen. EM simulation e... » read more

Blog Review: Oct. 23

Cadence’s Sanjeet Kumar introduces the message bus interface in the PHY Interface for the PCIe, SATA, USB, DisplayPort, and USB4 Architectures (PIPE) specification, which provides a way to initiate and participate in non-latency-sensitive PIPE operations using a small number of wires. Siemens’ Dennis Brophy argues that the recently published Portable Test and Stimulus Standard (PSS) 3.0 ... » read more

Reactionary Or Anticipatory?

The EDA industry is located at an interesting place, where anticipation and reaction come together. Too much of either one is wasteful, but too little leaves the industry having to deal with unwanted problems. We see this happening in several areas today, and the balance is changing for several reasons. We normally expect universities to be 100% anticipatory. There is no point in them worki... » read more

Startup Funding: Q3 2024

Numerous new companies burst on the scene in the third quarter of 2024, including startups with plans for customizable RISC-V-based IP for applications from microcontrollers to data centers, high-speed data center interconnects, compute-in-memory LLM inference chips, and surveillance camera SoCs. Although it did not report funding, AheadComputing also launched last quarter to develop RISC-V cor... » read more

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