Delay-based PUF for Chiplets to Verify System Integrity

New technical paper titled "Know Time to Die – Integrity Checking for Zero Trust Chiplet-based Systems Using Between-Die Delay PUFs" by researchers at University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA, Abstract (partial): "In this paper we propose a delay-based PUF for chiplets to verify system integrity. Our technique allows a single chiplet to initiate a protocol with its neighbors to measure un... » read more

Flip-Chip Integration of a GaSb Semiconductor Optical Amplifier with a Silicon Photonic Circuit

New research paper titled "Hybrid silicon photonics DBR laser based on flip-chip integration of GaSb amplifiers and µm-scale SOI waveguides" by researchers at Tampere University (Finland). Abstract: "The development of integrated photonics experiences an unprecedented growth dynamic, owing to accelerated penetration to new applications. This leads to new requirements in terms of functional... » read more

Thermal Management Challenges and Requirements of 3 types of Microelectronic Devices

New technical paper titled "A Review on Transient Thermal Management of Electronic Devices" from researchers at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. Abstract "Much effort in the area of electronics thermal management has focused on developing cooling solutions that cater to steady-state operation. However, electronic devices are increasingly being used in applications involving time-varyi... » read more

Review of Bumpless Build Cube Using Wafer-on-Wafer & Chip-on-Wafer for Tera-Scale 3D Integration

New research paper titled "Review of Bumpless Build Cube (BBCube) Using Wafer-on-Wafer (WOW) and Chip-on-Wafer (COW) for Tera-Scale Three-Dimensional Integration (3DI)" from researchers at Tokyo Institute of Technology and others. Abstract "Bumpless Build Cube (BBCube) using Wafer-on-Wafer (WOW) and Chip-on-Wafer (COW) for Tera-Scale Three-Dimensional Integration (3DI) is discussed. Bum... » read more

Cu/SiO₂ Hybrid Bond Interconnects

Technical paper titled "Microstructure Development of Cu/SiO₂ Hybrid Bond Interconnects After Reliability Tests" from researchers at TU Dresden and others. Abstract: "The focus of this study is a detailed characterization of hybrid Cu/SiO 2 wafer-to-wafer bonding interconnects after reliability testing. Hybrid bonding (or direct bond interconnect) is a technology of choice for fine pitch... » read more

Die-level Thinning and Integrating Route For Singulated MPW Chips Using Both Silicon Sensors and CMOS Devices

Abstract "Die-level thinning, handling, and integration of singulated dies from multi-project wafers (MPW) are often used in research, early-stage development, and prototyping of flexible devices. There is a high demand for thin silicon devices for several applications, such as flexible electronics. To address this demand, we study a novel post-processing method on two silicon devices, an el... » read more

Artificial intelligence deep learning for 3D IC reliability prediction

New research from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, National Center for High-Performance Computing (Taiwan), Tunghai University, MA-Tek Inc, and UCLA. Abstract "Three-dimensional integrated circuit (3D IC) technologies have been receiving much attention recently due to the near-ending of Moore’s law of minimization in 2D IC. However, the reliability of 3D IC, which is greatly infl... » read more

Investigation of integrated factors in the occurrence of copper wire bonding corrosion of semiconductor packages

Abstract "Copper wire bonding has got attracted attention over gold wire bonding due to its lower cost. However, despite many unique aspects and properties of copper wire bonding, corrosion of copper wire bonding has become a point of interest as it leads to the failure of semiconductor packages. Current and future trends and development in miniaturization and multifunction of the semico... » read more

Designing a 2048-Chiplet, 14336-Core Waferscale Processor

Abstract "Waferscale processor systems can provide the large number of cores, and memory bandwidth required by today’s highly parallel workloads. One approach to building waferscale systems is to use a chiplet-based architecture where pre-tested chiplets are integrated on a passive silicon-interconnect wafer. This technology allows heterogeneous integration and can provide significant perfor... » read more

Warpage Of Compression Molded SiP Strips

By Eric Ouyang, Yonghyuk Jeong, JaeMyong Kim, JaePil Kim, OhYoung Kwon, and Michael Liu of JCET; and Susan Lin, Jenn An Wang, Anthony Yang, and Eric Yang of CoreTech System (Moldex3D). Abstract System-in-Package (SiP) technology has been used for a wide range of electronic devices, but the warpage behavior of the package can be difficult to control and predict due to complex manufacturing p... » read more

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