Chip Industry Technical Paper Roundup: Dec. 3

Pooling CPU memory for LLM inference; high-bandwidth chiplet interconnects for adv. packaging; dense edge architectures; spiking neuromorphic HW; GAAFETs; defective chip detection; multi-chiplet NPUs for autonomous driving.


New technical papers recently added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library:

Technical Paper Research Organizations
Pie: Pooling CPU Memory for LLM Inference UC Berkeley
High-Bandwidth Chiplet Interconnects for Advanced Packaging Technologies in AI/ML Applications: Challenges and Solutions TSMC
System-Technology Co-Optimization for Dense Edge Architectures using 3D Integration and Non-Volatile Memory imec, INESC-ID, Université Libre de Bruxelles, et al.
The backpropagation algorithm implemented on spiking neuromorphic hardware University of Zurich, ETH Zurich, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Royal Institution, London, et al.
Exploring GAA-Nanosheet, Forksheet and GAA-Forksheet Architectures: a TCAD-DTCO Study at 90 nm & 120 nm Cell Height imec, Huawei Technologies and Global TCAD Solutions
Detection of defective chips from nanostructures with a high-aspect ratio using hyperspectral imaging and deep learning Samsung
Performance Implications of Multi-Chiplet Neural Processing Units on Autonomous Driving Perception UC Irvine

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