Chip Industry Technical Paper Roundup: Mar. 4

Estimating voltage drop with ML; BEOL-compatible 3D logic; wafer level SoC test; ultrathin film that preserves electrical properties; RISC-V multicore and GPU SoC platform for safety critical space; protecting ASLR against microarchitectural attacks; low-temp manufacturing process for TFTs.


New technical papers recently added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library:

Technical Paper Research Organizations
Estimating Voltage Drop: Models, Features and Data Representation Towards a Neural Surrogate KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Ericsson Research
Omni 3D: BEOL-Compatible 3-D Logic With Omnipresent Power, Signal, and Clock Stanford University, Intel Corporation and Carnegie Mellon University
Design and Implementation of Test Infrastructure for Higher Parallel Wafer Level Testing of System-on-Chip Inha University and Teradyne
Strain-free thin film growth of vanadium dioxide deposited on 2D atomic layered material of hexagonal boron nitride investigated by their thickness dependence of insulator–metal transition behavior Osaka University and National Institute for Materials Science
A RISC-V Multicore and GPU SoC Platform with a Qualifiable Software Stack for Safety Critical Systems Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya and Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Oreo: Protecting ASLR Against Microarchitectural Attacks MIT
Low-temperature pressure-assisted liquid-metal printing for β-Ga2O3 thin-film transistors UCSD and National Tsing Hua University

Find more semiconductor research papers here.

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