Chip Industry Technical Paper Roundup: Sept. 17

3DIC partitioning; graphene FETs; analog in-memory DNN training; leakage contracts for processors; electromechanical resonators; quantum error correction; AFM; DSA sub-10nm.


New technical papers recently added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library:

Technical Paper Research Organizations
Fast and robust analog in-memory deep neural network training IBM Research
TA3D: Timing-Aware 3D IC Partitioning and Placement by Optimizing the Critical Path POSTECH and Baum Design Systems
Closing the Gap: Leakage Contracts for Processors with Transitions and Glitches Graz University of Technology
Fabrication of graphene field effect transistors on complex non-planar surfaces Imperial College London
Noncontact excitation of multi-GHz lithium niobate electromechanical resonators Yale University
Suspended tip overhanging from chip edge for atomic force microscopy with an optomechanical resonator CNRS and CEA-LETI
Quantum error correction below the surface code threshold Google et al.
Chemically tailored block copolymers for highly reliable sub-10-nm patterns by directed self-assembly Tokyo Institute of Technology and Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co.
The Effect of Relative Humidity in Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy KAUST

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