Intelligent System Design

How to create unique solutions using intelligent computation and still get to market on time and within budget.


Electronics technology is proliferating to new, creative applications and appearing in our everyday lives. To compete, system companies are increasingly designing their own semiconductor chips, and semiconductor companies are delivering software stacks, to enable substantial differentiation of their products. This trend started in mobile devices and is now moving into cloud computing, automotive, and other areas. Each application has different environmental conditions and constraints, requiring optimization of the silicon performance in the context of the system, as well as the system itself across the boundaries of hardware and software, analog and digital, and electrical and mechanical. In addition, many companies are introducing intelligent computation in their systems, which is creating a confluence of semiconductor design, system design, and system intelligence design. The teams of people designing these products at the world’s most creative companies are under relentless pressure to produce results rapidly and flawlessly.

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