Advanced DFT And Silicon Bring-Up For AI Chips

The AI market is growing quickly, spurring an insatiable demand for powerful AI accelerators. AI chip makers are pressed with aggressive time-to-market goals and need the tools to help them get their chips into the hands of customers as quickly as possible. IC test and silicon bring-up are tasks that can affect both the quality and the time-to-market of AI chips. Different companies are usin... » read more

Use Advanced DFT And Silicon Bring Up To Accelerate AI Chip Design

The market for AI chips is growing quickly, with the 2022 revenue of $20B expected to grow to over $300B by 2030. To keep up with the demand and stay competitive, AI chip designers set aggressive time-to-market goals. Design teams looking for ways to shave significant time off chip development time can look to advanced DFT and silicon bring up techniques described in this paper, including hiera... » read more

An Entangled Heterarchy

For decades, a form of structural hierarchy has been the principal means of handling complexity in chip design. It's not always perfect, and there is no ideal way in which to divide and conquer because that would need to focus on the analysis being performed. In fact, most systems can be viewed from a variety of different hierarchies, equally correct, and together forming a heterarchy. The e... » read more

DRAM Test And Inspection Just Gets Tougher

DRAM manufacturers continue to demand cost-effective solutions for screening and process improvement amid growing concerns over defects and process variability, but meeting that demand is becoming much more difficult with the rollout of faster interfaces and multi-chip packages. DRAM plays a key role in a wide variety of electronic devices, from phones and PCs to ECUs in cars and servers ins... » read more

Rebalancing Test And Yield In IC Manufacturing

Balancing yield and test is essential to semiconductor manufacturing, but it's becoming harder to determine how much weight to give one versus the other as chips become more specialized for different applications. Yield focuses on maximizing the number of functional chips from a production batch, while test aims to ensure that each chip meets rigorous quality and performance standards. And w... » read more

Connection Perfection

Whether you are a DFT engineer or a SoC designer, connectivity validation will no doubt be a top priority when taking steps to guarantee the functionality and reliability of your device. SoC designs continue to grow in both size and complexity to meet the ever-growing performance and power demands associated with modern technology. To keep up with this fast-paced evolution, the corresponding D... » read more

Designing Automotive ICs For Cybersecurity

The day has already arrived when we need to be concerned about the cybersecurity of our cars. An average modern car includes about 1400 ICs and many of them are used in sophisticated applications, like autonomous driving and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication. The security of road vehicles is an important issue to automakers and OEMs but is rooted in the IC devices that power the vehicle... » read more

eFPGA Architectural Improvements That Lower Test Cost And Increase Quality

More than 40 chips have been licensed to use EFLX eFPGA and >20 chips are working in silicon. Big customers like Renesas are planning high volume families of chips using embedded FPGA. As a result, we have gained extensive experience and knowledge in almost 10 years of doing eFPGA especially in production test for cost reduction and reliability improvement. eFPGA DFT and MBIST for high q... » read more

EDA’s Role Grows For Preventing And Identifying Failures

The front end of design is becoming more tightly integrated with the back end of manufacturing, driven by the rising cost and impact of failures in advanced chips and critical applications. Ironically, the starting point for this shift is failure analysis (FA), which typically happens when a device fails to yield, or worse, when it is returned due to some problem. In production, that leads t... » read more

Chiplet Planning Kicks Into High Gear

Chiplets are beginning to impact chip design, even though they are not yet mainstream and no commercial marketplace exists for this kind of hardened IP. There are ongoing discussions about silicon lifecycle management, the best way to characterize and connect these devices, and how to deal with such issues as uneven aging and thermal mismatch. In addition, a big effort is underway to improve... » read more

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