Transforming Silicon Bring-Up

Not too long ago, the return of first silicon from the foundry was a nail-biting moment as power was applied to the chip. Today, better verification methodologies, increased use of emulation, and more mature fabrication practices have transformed how teams utilize first silicon. It is about to be transformed again, and there are some interesting possibilities on the horizon. Much of what use... » read more

Developing Robust Finite State Machines Code With Lint Tools

As design size and complexity grows, the design verification effort grows even more. It takes significant amount of time to thoroughly verify complex control logic of a design, which is the key and the most critical component of design functionality. One of the most common design patterns in the control logic design are finite state machines. They could be designed in different styles, state an... » read more

Thoroughly Verifying Complex SoCs

The number of things that can go wrong in complex SoCs targeted at leading-edge applications is staggering, and there is no indication that verifying these chips will function as expected is going to get any easier. Heterogeneous designs developed for leading-edge applications, such as 5G, IoT, automotive and AI, are now complex systems in their own right. But they also need to work in conju... » read more

Optimizing Hardware Faster

Maximillian Odendahl, CEO of Silexica, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about high-level synthesis and the changing role of this technology. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. SE: What is the direction that high-level synthesis is heading in? Odendahl: The direction hasn’t changed, but in the past HLS was not usable by the software guys. The main push right n... » read more

Portable Stimulus And Digital Twins

It has been a year since Accellera's Portable Test and Stimulus Specification became a standard. Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the impact it has had, and the future direction of it, with  Larry Melling, product management director for Cadence; Tom Fitzpatrick, strategic verification architect for Mentor, a Siemens Business; Tom Anderson, technical marketing consultant for OneSp... » read more

Three Steps To Complete Reset Behavior Verification

By Chris Kwok, Priya Viswanathan, and Ping Yeung Reset architectures are notoriously complex and difficult to verify. Today’s SoCs contain highly complex reset distributions and synchronization circuitry. Often, reset trees can be larger than clock trees and have many of the same potential issues. Verifying that a design can be correctly reset under all modes of operation presents signi... » read more

The Challenge Of Defining Worst Case

Worst case conditions within a chip are impossible to define. But what happens if you missed a corner case that causes chip failure? As the semiconductor market becomes increasingly competitive — startups and systems companies are now competing with established chipmakers — no one can afford to consider theoretical worst cases. Instead, they must intelligently prune the space to make sur... » read more

Power Complexity On The Rise

New chip architectures and custom applications are adding significant challenges to chip design and verification, and the problems are becoming much more complex as low power is added into the mix. Power always has been a consideration in design, but in the past it typically involved different power domains that were either on, off, or in some level of sleep mode. As hardware architectures s... » read more

Addressing The Challenges Of Reset Verification In SoC Designs

This paper presents commonly occurring challenges involved in reset tree verification and their solutions. We lay out a three part approach to build a complete solution that combines static analysis of the design structure, RTL simulation with X-propagation, and formal verification. The paper includes results from testing this solution on a customer design. To read more, click here. » read more

How Does A Changing Automotive Ecosystem Affect Tier-1 Suppliers?

Tier-1 automotive suppliers have an enormous opportunity in the development of autonomous vehicles (AVs). sees these vehicles contributing $7 trillion in economic activity by the year 2050. But this opportunity comes with a challenge: the whole supply chain is being disrupted by new participants and new technologies that are making these AVs possible. Semiconductor companies and spe... » read more

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