M&A Season Now Officially Open

A year ago many people were making jokes quite openly about the IoT. It wasn't uncommon to hear quips about the Internet of Nothing, the Internet of Disconnected Things, the Internet of Cars, or some other variant that questioned just how connected everything would become. The tenor of the conversation has changed significantly in the past year. The jokes are fewer, the stakes are higher. An... » read more

Week 49: Are We There Yet?

When I was a little kid my parents would pack me and my sister into the car and drive to the Mediterranean for our summer camping vacation. It was quite a haul from our home on the west side of Germany near the border with Belgium to the south of France, and as is true of any long car trip, the last stretch was the hardest. After hours in the backseat, my sister and I would be craning our necks... » read more

The Week In Review: Design/IoT

M&A Avago appears to be on the prowl for a new acquisition. According to a Reuters report, it has made inquiries at Xilinx, Renesas and Maxim and has more than $10B to spend. Avago made a bid for Freescale earlier this year, but NXP ended up buying Freescale for $11.8B. IP Sonics unveiled the ICE-Grain Power Architecture, a power management sub-system for mainstream SoC designs that c... » read more

Layering Protocol Verification

Layering protocols are modeled using layering structures that mirror the protocol layers. There are significant challenges in modelling verification components for layering protocols such as (1) reuse, (2) scalability, (3) controllability, and (4)observability. Furthermore, there may be requirements for complex test scenarios where a great deal of interaction is required between test sequence e... » read more

UPF 3.0 Moves Toward Ratification

[gettech id="31044" t_name="UPF"] (Unified Power Format) 3.0 — the fourth incarnation in 10 years — is moving closer to the IEEE ballot process. Erich Marschner, verification architect at [getentity id="22017" e_name="Mentor Graphics"] and vice chair of the [gettech id="31043" comment="IEEE 1801"] working group, explained the working group is as close as possible to being on schedule for... » read more

Does Fast Simulation Help Debug Productivity?

It is nice when a reporter manages to get the scoop of the century, and that was the case at a lunch panel hosted by [getentity id="22032" e_name="Cadence"] at the recent Design and Verification Conference (DVCon) in Santa Clara, CA. Brian Bailey, technology editor for Semiconductor Engineer was the moderator for the panel and broke the news to the crowd. Cadence had developed a logic [getkc id... » read more

Tech Talk: Better Coverage

Atrenta's Yuan Lu talks about code coverage, functional coverage and the use of assertions in debugging designs. [youtube vid=Hpm-l1z8HTo] » read more

Blog Review: April 1

A Russian plan to build a massive cargo plane to deliver tanks at supersonic speed—A roll of tape coated in squid proteins provides perfect camouflage—A yacht made of volcanic fibers battling the world's roughest seas: Ansys' Justin Nescott finds everything for a James Bond movie in this week's top tech articles. Writing for Synopsys, Broadcom's Hari Balisetty looks at reusable sequences... » read more

Blog Review: Feb. 11

Ansys' Bill Vandermark flags the top five engineering articles of the week. Check out the one about the latest attempt at cold fusion, which left researchers hiding behind a blast shield. The solar-powered car named Stella drove away with the prestigious "Best Technology Achievement" award at the 8th annual Crunchies Awards this week. NXP's Maurice Geraets sounds like a proud parent – with... » read more

An Update On The IEEE 1801-2013 Unified Power Format Standard

It’s been almost six years since the first IEEE 1801 standard was officially published in March of 2009, but the standard can trace its roots back to years before that date. On May 30, 2013 the IEEE released a press announcement for the most recent version of the standard, IEEE 1801-2013 (a.k.a. UPF 2.1). This brought forward a standard for the industry that is finally backed by all of the ma... » read more

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