Boosting Data Management System Performance

Marios Karatzias, application engineer at ClioSoft, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about the increasing use and re-use of IP in designs, how to best keep track of that IP, and how to optimize the performance of the data management system to deal with IP in heterogeneous chips. This is particularly important in automotive and industrial applications, where a specific version of IP may have... » read more

Learning How To Forget

There has been a lot of talk recently about the right to be forgotten, or data privacy rights. These require companies that hold data about us to remove it when properly requested. This might be data that was collected as we browse the Internet, or from online shopping. Or perhaps it's collected as we drive our cars past cameras, or GPS tracking of our cellphones, or many other ways – some of... » read more

Making The Most Of Data Lakes

Having all the semiconductor data available is increasingly necessary for improving manufacturability, yield, and ultimately the reliability of end devices. But without sufficient knowledge of relationships between data from different processes and computationally efficient data structures, the value of any data is significantly reduced. In the semiconductor industry, reducing waste, decreas... » read more

The Human Hand: Curating Good Data And Creating An Effective Deep-Learning R2R Strategy For High-Volume Manufacturing

Currently, the semiconductor manufacturing industry uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to take data and autonomously learn from that data. With the additional data, AI and ML can be used to quickly discover patterns and determine correlations in various applications, most notably those applications involving metrology and inspection, whether in the front-end of the manufacturing ... » read more

Best Practices For Visibility Architecture Tap Planning

When it comes to data monitoring, ensuring proper access to network data is one of the most critical things you can do. Missing and incorrect data will slow down the analysis of problems by your security monitoring and tools. It may also lead to false conclusions by those tools. In turn, this can lead to missed security threats, false positives for security threats and network impairments, and ... » read more

Data Management Evolves

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss data management challenges with Jerome Toublanc, business development executive at Ansys; Kam Kittrell, vice president of product management in the Digital & Signoff Group at Cadence; Simon Rance, vice president of marketing at Cliosoft; Rob Conant, vice president of software and ecosystem at Infineon Technologies; and Michael Munsey, senior dir... » read more

Removing Barriers For End-To-End Analytics

Parties are coming together, generating guidelines for sharing data from IC design and manufacturing through end of life, setting the stage for true end-to-end analytics. While the promise of big data analytics is well understood, data sharing through the semiconductor supply chain has been stymied by an inability to link together data sources throughout the lifecycle of a chip, package, or ... » read more

Lots Of Data, But Uncertainty About What To Do With It

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about silicon lifecycle management in heterogeneous designs, where sensors produce a flood of data, with Prashant Goteti, principal engineer at Intel; Rob Aitken, R&D fellow at Arm; Zoe Conroy, principal hardware engineer at Cisco; Subhasish Mitra, professor of electrical engineering and computer science at Stanford University... » read more

Data Management Position: An Automated Approach to Intelligent PCB Design Data Management

The design cycle of electronic devices produces vast amounts of data. From a top-level view, this data can be broken down into basic blocks, including software, circuit board design, mechanical design, and others. These blocks contain extensive and complex information, including the types and amounts of individual data and information files, as well as their hierarchy structure. This data and i... » read more

Embedded Intelligent Edge For Predictive Maintenance

Historically in a full-scale production setting, one of the best company assets was the experience of machine operators, as they had the ability to predict when maintenance was required. Plant managers reported about any unusual behavior such as a clatter or clank in the machinery, prompting a check-up by the maintenance crew. Today, the level of automation greatly reduces the operator’s abil... » read more

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