An Optimal Path To DFT Automation

To keep up with time-to-market demands when SoCs keep increasing in size and complexity requires the adoption of better DFT flows and technologies. One of the most successful changes in design-for-test (DFT) flows in recent years has been the deployment of hierarchical DFT. Taking the divide-and-conquer approach delivers real savings in test time and cost, plus keeps DFT out of the critical pat... » read more

Optimal End-to-End DFT Automation With Tessent Connect

With the growth in design size and complexity, DFT engineers began adopting new methods to reduce DFT implementation time, reduce test costs, and reduce risks to design schedules by removing DFT from the critical path to tapeout. The primary method to accomplish large improvements to DFT efficiency is through a divide-and-conquer approach supported by Tessent’s RTL-based, hierarchical DFT ins... » read more

Planning Ahead For In-System Test Of Automotive ICs

Automobiles are increasingly more like electronic devices than mechanical platforms. As a share of the total cost of a car, electronics components have grown from about 5% in 1970 to 35% in 2010. Electronics are projected to account for 50% by 2030 (Deloitte, 2019). Some of the electronics are for passive operations, like display or In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) systems, but a growing proportio... » read more

AI Chips Driving Need For New Test Implementation Methodologies

Artificial intelligence has never been more in the news than it is today.  From picking stock market investments to autonomous driving, we have heard about what AI can do when it works and what happens when it goes awry. The consequences are huge if AI doesn’t work which puts a lot of pressure on hardware engineers to ensure that their chips can be extensively tested for proper and safe func... » read more

Squeezing Out More Test Compression

The trend in semiconductors leads to more IC test data volume, longer test times, and higher test costs. Embedded deterministic test (EDT) has continued to deliver more compression, which has been quite effective at containing test costs. For many designs, standard test compressions is enough, but ICs for use in automotive and medical devices require a higher manufacturing test quality, which t... » read more

Verification Pilgrims Show A Historical Case For DFT

The Mayflower Steps, where the Pilgrims are believed to have embarked on their journey to America, are located in the beautiful Barbican area of Plymouth, a small town in the southwest of England. As the lone American working for Moortec, a British company based in Plymouth, I stood and stared at them this past September. Separated by a few yards of distance but 399 years of history I found my... » read more

A Breakthrough In Silicon Bring-Up

The current semiconductor market is seeing increasingly complex silicon devices for applications like 5G wireless communications, autonomous driving, and artificial intelligence. One of the ways designers are working to control design time and cost is through the adoption of IJTAG (IEEE 1687) for a plug-and-play style IP integration during design. The benefits of using IJTAG are still emerging,... » read more

Simplifying Silicon Bring-Up And Debug On ATE equipment With ATE-Connect

The silicon bring-up process is ripe for improvement. Tessent SiliconInsight with ATE-Connect technology eliminates communication barriers between proprietary tester-specific software and DFT platforms, which accelerates debug of IJTAG devices, speeds product ramps, and reduces time-to-market for products in 5G wireless communications, autonomous driving, and artificial intelligence. Read mo... » read more

The Single Best DFT Move You Can Make

A proven method to simplify a complex problem is to break it into smaller chunks. In the case of today’s large, complex SoCs, this means using hierarchical methods to design the blocks, then combine the results at the top level. While this sounds obvious, it hasn’t always been practical or technologically feasible to perform some tasks, like DFT, at the block level and translate that work s... » read more

Hierarchical DFT: Proven Divide-And-Conquer Solution Accelerates DFT Implementation And Reduces Test Costs

Implementation of the most challenging DFT tasks is greatly simplified by the proven and widely-adopted automation available in Tessent products. This whitepaper describes the basic components of an RTL-based hierarchical DFT methodology, the benefits that it provides, and the tool automation that is available through Mentor’s Tessent products. The focus is on the techniques and automation of... » read more

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