ETH Zurich Introduces ProTRR, in-DRAM Rowhammer Mitigation

New technical paper titled "PROTRR: Principled yet Optimal In-DRAM Target Row Refresh" from ETH Zurich. The paper was presented at the 43rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP 2022), San Francisco, CA, USA, May 22–26, 2022. This new paper introduces ProTRR, an "in-DRAM Rowhammer mitigation that is secure against FEINTING, a novel Rowhammer attack." The related video presentation can... » read more

The Changing Mask Landscape

Semiconductor photomasks have undergone some major technology changes in the past few years after relatively minor changes for many years. New technologies such as multi-beam mask writers and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography are major breakthroughs as they ramp into high-volume manufacturing. A new trend related to these technologies is the use of curvilinear features on photomasks. Aki... » read more

DRAM Choices Becoming Central Design Considerations

Chipmakers are paying much closer attention to various DRAM options as they grapple with what goes on-chip or into a package, elevating attached memory to a critical design element that can affect system performance, power, and cost. These are increasingly important issues to sort through with a number of tradeoffs, but the general consensus is that to reach the higher levels of performance ... » read more

A Case for Transparent Reliability in DRAM Systems

New technical paper from ETH Zurich and TU Delft. Abstract "Today's systems have diverse needs that are difficult to address using one-size-fits-all commodity DRAM. Unfortunately, although system designers can theoretically adapt commodity DRAM chips to meet their particular design goals (e.g., by reducing access timings to improve performance, implementing system-level RowHammer mitigati... » read more

Memory Bandwidth Regulation on Hybrid NVM/DRAM Platforms

New technical paper from Shanghai Jiao Tong University Abstract "Non-volatile memory (NVM) has emerged as a new memory media, resulting in a hybrid NVM/DRAM configuration in typical servers. Memory-intensive applications competing for the scant memory bandwidth can yield degraded performance. Identifying the noisy neighbors and regulating the memory bandwidth usage of them can alleviate th... » read more

CXL and OMI: Competing or Complementary?

System designers are looking at any ideas they can find to increase memory bandwidth and capacity, focusing on everything from improvements in memory to new types of memory. But higher-level architectural changes can help to fulfill both needs, even as memory types are abstracted away from CPUs. Two new protocols are helping to make this possible, CXL and OMI. But there is a looming question... » read more

An Energy-Efficient DRAM Cache Architecture for Mobile Platforms With PCM-Based Main Memory

Abstract "A long battery life is a first-class design objective for mobile devices, and main memory accounts for a major portion of total energy consumption. Moreover, the energy consumption from memory is expected to increase further with ever-growing demands for bandwidth and capacity. A hybrid memory system with both DRAM and PCM can be an attractive solution to provide additional capacity ... » read more

Quantifying Rowhammer Vulnerability for DRAM Security

Abstract: "Rowhammer is a memory-based attack that leverages capacitive-coupling to induce faults in modern dynamic random-access memory (DRAM). Over the last decade, a significant number of Rowhammer attacks have been presented to reveal that it is a severe security issue capable of causing privilege escalations, launching distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, and even runtime attack ... » read more

Benchmarking Memory-Centric Computing Systems: Analysis of Real Processing-in-Memory Hardware

Abstract "Many modern workloads such as neural network inference and graph processing are fundamentally memory-bound. For such workloads, data movement between memory and CPU cores imposes a significant overhead in terms of both latency and energy. A major reason is that this communication happens through a narrow bus with high latency and limited bandwidth, and the low data reuse in memory-bo... » read more

SparseP: Towards Efficient Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication on Real Processing-In-Memory Systems

Abstract "Several manufacturers have already started to commercialize near-bank Processing-In-Memory (PIM) architectures. Near-bank PIM architectures place simple cores close to DRAM banks and can yield significant performance and energy improvements in parallel applications by alleviating data access costs. Real PIM systems can provide high levels of parallelism, large aggregate memory bandwi... » read more

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