SLM Evolves Into Critical Aspect Of Chip Design And Operation

Silicon lifecycle management has evolved greatly in the past five years, moving from novel concept to a key part of design flows at industry leaders such as NVIDIA, Amazon Web Services, Ericsson, and others. Along with becoming a major focus for companies developing semiconductors, the use cases have expanded. While initially focused on post-silicon insights, SLM has expanded to cover the en... » read more

Pinpointing Timing Delays in Complex SoCs

Telemetry circuits are becoming a necessity in complex heterogeneous chips and packages to show how these devices are behaving post-production, but fusing together relevant data to identify the sources of problems adds its own set of challenges. In the past, engineering teams could build margin into chips to offset any type of variation. But at advanced nodes and in advanced packages, tolera... » read more

Cybersecurity: The Case For Hardware-Based Threat Detection And Mitigation

The requirements of cyberphysical systems place great responsibility on design teams. Their mission-critical roles in controlling mechanical systems, from aircraft though motor vehicles to industrial plants, have always called for safety-focused design. As these systems have become connected to the internet, safety has become intertwined with security. One mechanism for detecting suspicious ... » read more

High-Quality Test And Embedded Analytics For Secure Applications

Designs for secure applications such as smart cards and those used in the defense industry require security to ensure sensitive data is inaccessible to outside agents. This used to be a somewhat niche requirement and the implementation of custom solutions to meet these specific requirements was common. However, with the explosion within the semiconductor industry of automotive and cyber-phys... » read more

High-Quality Test And Embedded Analytics Are Vital For Secure SoCs

Applications like as smart cards and devices used in the defense industry require security to ensure that sensitive data is inaccessible to outside agents. This used to be a niche requirement met through custom solutions. However, now that automotive and cyber-physical systems are proliferating, the requirements around secure test and monitoring are becoming mainstream. The current best strateg... » read more

Over-the-Air Automotive Updates

Modern vehicles are increasingly-connected devices with growing volumes of electronic systems. This systemic complexity means that even an average vehicle design will include over 150 ECUs, which control not just infotainment and communications, but powertrain, safety, and driving systems (figure 1). We see not just a surge in the volume and complexity of electronic hardware, but also software.... » read more

Secure Silicon Lifecycle Management Architecture For Functional Safety

The rapid growth of electronics for automotive applications fueled by advanced ADAS systems pose new challenges for complex SoC design and Silicon Lifecycle Management (SLM) in the supply chain as well as in-field monitoring and management of the population of chips. In these modern complex devices, ensuring the correct and safe operation requires not only functional safety to check for reli... » read more

ISO26262: The Case For Embedded Analytics In Automotive

From advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) to a new generation of robots and medical systems, we are seeing an explosion in the development of cyber-physical systems. Because these systems use advanced software to interact with the physical world, safety is a paramount issue but one that is reflected in many industries by the use of safety standards based on a philosophy of risk assessment ... » read more