Three Key Reasons That The Future Of Smart Home Devices Is Embedded Contextual AI

Artificial intelligence has become a transformative force, reshaping how consumers interact with technology. Consumer-level AI tools like ChatGPT have set new benchmarks for smart home devices, raising expectations for seamless functionality, natural language interactions, and personalized user experiences. As consumers demand smarter, more intuitive devices, embedded engineers and system engin... » read more

High-Level Synthesis Propels Next-Gen AI Accelerators

Everything around you is getting smarter. Artificial intelligence is not just a data center application but will be deployed in all kinds of embedded systems that we interact with daily. We expect to talk to and gesture at them. We expect them to recognize and understand us. And we expect them to operate with just a little bit of common sense. This intelligence is making these systems not just ... » read more

Ultimate Guide To Machine Learning For Embedded Systems

Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence which gives computers an ability to learn from data in an iterative manner using different techniques. Our aim here being to learn and predict from data. This is a big diversion from other fields which poses the limitation of programming instructions instead of learning from them. Machine learning in embedded systems specifically target ... » read more

Attestation Scheme Monitoring The Prover Using Hardware Security Module Connected To Its System Bus (Oxford)

A technical paper titled "Hardware-assisted remote attestation design for critical embedded systems" was published by researchers at University of Oxford. Abstract (excerpt) "To reveal attack scenarios exploiting the memory regions and time windows left unattested, we propose an attestation scheme that can continuously monitor both static and dynamic memory regions with better spatial and t... » read more

Compact NN Accelerator In CodAL

Recent years of IoT/IIoT evolution resulted in an important shift from cloud-level to device-level AI processing. It enables devices to run some AI tasks locally, thus minimizing security issues, data transfer costs, and latency. The ability to run AI/ML tasks becomes a must-have when selecting an SoC or MCU for IoT and IIoT applications. Embedded devices are typically resource-constrained, ... » read more

EZ-PD PMG1 High Voltage MCU As A Coprocessor For Embedded Applications

EZ-PD™ PMG1, a family of High Voltage Microcontrollers (MCUs) with USB-C Power Delivery (PD), supports embedded firmware engineers and system designers to adopt USB-C into applications such as smart speakers, IoT hubs, home appliances, internet gateways, power and garden tools. This article targets embedded firmware engineers and system designers interested in including USB-C in their em... » read more

Revolution In Embedded Security

The growth of computing, graphics, neural processing power, communication bandwidth, and storage capacities have enabled amazing solutions. These innovations have created great value for society, and that value must be protected from exploitation by adversaries. This whitepaper explores many of these major technology changes and how Rambus’ security offerings help in tackling the new embedded... » read more

On the Design and Misuse of Microcoded (Embedded) Processors — A Cautionary Note

Abstract:  "Today's microprocessors often rely on microcode updates to address issues such as security or functional patches. Unfortunately, microcode update flexibility opens up new attack vectors through malicious microcode alterations. Such attacks share many features with hardware Trojans and have similar devastating consequences for system security. However, due to microcode's opaq... » read more

Analysis And Development of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems

Today’s automobiles and airplanes feature more electronic components than ever. Hundreds of connected systems enable safety-critical functions like braking, acceleration, steering, navigation and communication. Ansys has the only comprehensive simulation solution for designing safe, reliable systems — including hardware, electronics and embedded software — for human-controlled and autonom... » read more

Fused: Closed-Loop Performance And Energy Simulation Of Embedded Systems

Energy-driven computing is an emerging paradigm that aims to fuel the proliferation of tiny and low-cost IoT sensing and monitoring devices. Energy-driven computers are generally powered by energy harvesting sources, and adapt their operation at runtime according to energy availability; thus, they must be designed and tested according to the expected dynamics of their power source. However, tod... » read more

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