Fast-Tracking Safe Autonomous Vehicles

You can't put a car on the road, a drone in the air or a robot in a warehouse without satisfying the strictest of safety standards. For an autonomous car, for example, this means driving billions of miles — a practical impossibility when time to market is critical. With ANSYS' complete solution for autonomous vehicles, you can put your machine through the required paces in a fraction of the t... » read more

Neural Nets In ADAS And Autonomous Driving SoC Designs

Automotive electronics has ushered in a new wave of semiconductor design innovation and one new technology gaining a lot of attention is neural networks (NNs). Advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous car designs now rely on NNs to meet the real-time requirements of complex object-recognition algorithms. The concept of NNs has been around since World War II, promising a futu... » read more

Functional Safety Methodologies For Automotive Applications

Safety-critical automotive applications have stringent demands for functional safety and reliability. Traditionally, functional safety requirements have been managed by car manufacturers and system providers. However, with the increasing complexity of electronics involved, the responsibility of addressing functional safety is now propagating through the supply chain to semiconductor companies a... » read more

New Shifts In Automotive Design

Four big shifts in automotive design and usage are beginning to converge—electrification, increasing connectivity, autonomous driving and car sharing—creating a ripple effect across the automotive electronics supply chain. Over the past few years the electronic content of cars and other vehicles has surged, with electrical systems replacing traditional mechanical and electro-mechanical s... » read more

Achieving ISO 26262 Certification With High-Performance Processors

Automotive technology has progressed rapidly and the day when fully autonomous vehicles are prevalent on the roadways is not that far in the future. For driverless vehicles to become the norm, however, safety is paramount, and advanced driver assist systems (ADAS) must adhere to the ISO 26262 functional safety standard for electrical and/or electronic systems in automobiles to ensure the safety... » read more

How Automotive ICs Are Reshaping Semiconductor Test

The growth of a new IC market creates ripples along the entire supply chain. Today, we see the semiconductor industry reacting to the needs of the growing automotive IC market, including the development of new IC test tools and methods. The automotive IC market is far and away the fastest growing end-use market with 15% CAGR (according to IC Insights). It is also seeing many new players. Mar... » read more

Embedded World 2018: Security, Safety, And Digital Twins

This year's embedded world in Nuremberg was again very well attended despite a cold wave in Europe. The key trends I had expected to see were safety and security, and the exhibits did not disappoint. One additional key theme that stood out to me was that of “digital twinning.” And, of course, the battle of processor ecosystems does continue. RISC-V has joined the games and feels a bit like ... » read more

Automotive IPs Bring New Challenges To IP Management

Recent innovations in the automotive industry, like driving assistance, have fueled an insatiable appetite for more electronics in cars. With electronics now a major component of building an automobile, there is growing use of IPs and IP subsystems provided by multiple vendors. It is, however, becoming clear that IPs developed for the automotive industry are a totally different beast compared t... » read more

Data Converters IP For Automotive SoCs

Automotive applications place demanding requirements on IP designers and SoC integrators to meet all mandated reliability and functional safety requirements. A good understanding of such requirements and how to efficiently implement them in the SoC enables integrators to break down the challenges into manageable pieces while leveraging the characteristics (and qualification) of the integrated I... » read more

Functional Safety: A Way Of Life

Rejuvenated over the holidays and back in full swing. This might be TMI, but I have been doing some meditative yoga and I seemed to have finally discovered myself. Though I am partly kidding, it does bring us to theme for this blog. As we tackle a new year and all the challenges it brings, I have been engaged with mindfulness and meditative yoga, which looks at a holistic approach to bring t... » read more

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