For SoC ISO 26262 Compliance, Should All EDA Tools Be TCL1?

ISO 26262, the automotive functional safety standard, requires the assessment of software tool confidence levels (TCLs) as either a TCL1, TCL2 or TCL3.  Part 8:2011, clause 11.4.5 of the ISO 26262 standard provides a methodology with guidance for software tool classification and qualification. It applies to software tools used for the development of safety-critical designs where it is essentia... » read more

Look Ma, No Hands! Functional Safety From The Driver’s Seat

Every so often, I undertake a project that reminds me why I love working in semiconductor marketing. Back in August, I hopped behind the wheel of a Tesla Model X to film a video for OneSpin about how formal verification can help designers to satisfy the ISO 26262 automotive safety standard. If you haven't yet seen the video, you can watch it here: The Model X itself was... » read more

Functional Safety Issues Rising

Developing semiconductors for safety-critical markets such as automotive, industrial and medical involves a growing list of extra steps that need to be taken pre- and post-manufacturing to ensure product integrity, reliability and security. This is causing several significant changes: • Designs are becoming much more complicated because they require such features as failover and redundan... » read more

Achieving ISO 26262 Certification With ASIL-Ready IP

According to an article by McKinsey, “analysts predict revenue growth for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) to be up to 29 percent, giving the segment one of the highest growth rates in the automotive and related industries.” This opportunity has invigorated the automotive supply chain to increase their R&D investments for faster product innovations. The focus on innovation is e... » read more

DVCon Europe Takes Over Munich October 16-17

DVCon Europe is on the horizon, and this year's program should prove to be very timely. Chips and systems are getting more complex, verification is becoming more difficult, and formal has emerged as a critical piece of the verification suite The lineup this year tackles some key issues facing a changing semiconductor landscape. During a Monday tutorial, “Next Generation ISO 26262-based De... » read more

Propelling Autonomous Vehicles Safely And Securely

Last month, when asked about how important it was that Apple not miss out on the opportunities within automotive, Apple CEO Tim Cook told Bloomberg, “There is a major disruption looming there not only for self-driving cars but also the electrification piece. If you’ve driven an all-electric car, it’s actually a marvelous experience, and it’s a marvelous experience not to stop at the... » read more

Rethinking Car Design

The automotive industry is undergoing sweeping changes in both technology and business, and functional safety increasingly cuts across both of them. Every safety-critical industry has one or more functional safety standards, whether that is manufacturing, avionics or automotive. In automotive, it's a combination of [gettech id="31076" comment="ISO 26262"] and various ASIL levels, which are a... » read more

The Safe Road Trip Thanks To Formal Verification

School’s out, gas is cheap and families in the U.S. are piling into their cars or minivans to take the time-honored cross-country road trip. These days, kids in the backseat don’t need to entertain themselves by spotting the license plates from the 50 U.S. states or picking a fight with their brother or sister. Instead, they can be kept amused with the vehicle’s sophisticated entertainmen... » read more

Boldly Go Where No NoC Has Gone Before

Functional safety, at varying degrees of integrity and with or without the ISO 26262, has become a cornerstone of SoCs in many key market segments, not just automotive. And the industry goal is to achieve these reliability levels without sacrificing any PPA and while continually reducing TTM. Go figure! I know, that’s like saying, make me an omelet without breaking eggs. And egg substitute is... » read more

Why You Need ASIL Certified Processor IP For Automotive Safety Applications

As the electronics content in automotive safety-related systems continues to grow, there are also an increasing number of new entrants into the automotive semiconductor market. To achieve automotive safety certification, specialized hardware and software is required. With this competitive pressure and consumer demand for safer vehicles, it is more important than ever to focus on cost savings an... » read more

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