Negative-Tone Photosensitive Polymeric Bonding Material To Enable Room Temperature Prebond For Cu/Polymer Hybrid Bonding

An evaluation of a negative-tone i-line photosensitive polymeric bonding material for achieving prebonding in Cu/polymer hybrid bonding at low temperatures via the Cu damascene process. The polymeric material has a Tg≤100∘C ; Young’s modulus of 99 MPa, the dielectric constant of 2.6, and dissipation factor of 0.0016 at 10 GHz. Shear tests revealed a bond shear strength of over 10 MPa when... » read more

Streamlining Failure Analysis Of Chips

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss how increasing complexity in semiconductor and packaging technology is driving shifts in failure analysis methods, with Frank Chen, director of applications and product management at Bruker Nano Surfaces & Metrology; Mike McIntyre, director of product management in the Enterprise Business Unit at Onto Innovation; Kamran Hak... » read more

Smarter Systems Through Heterogeneous Integration: Highlights From 3D & Systems Summit

It has taken decades of research and development and strong commitment to various industry programs, but the stars are finally aligning for 3D semiconductor systems. No one could have left the 3D & Systems Summit 2023 – held in late June in Dresden – with any doubt that heterogeneous integration, enabled by increasingly mature 3D packaging technologies, is becoming a key driver of the s... » read more

3DICs: Legalizer Techniques For Better Routing Quality, Fewer DRVs, And Reduced Total Slack With Negligible Runtime Impact

A technical paper titled “On Legalization of Die Bonding Bumps and Pads for 3D ICs” was published by researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology, NVIDIA Corporation, and the University of Bremen. Abstract "State-of-the-art 3D IC Place-and-Route flows were designed with older technology nodes and aggressive bonding pitch assumptions. As a result, these flows fail to honor the widt... » read more

Big Changes Ahead In Power Delivery, Materials, And Interconnects

Part one of this forecast looked at evolving transistor architectures and lithography platforms. This report examines revolutions in interconnects and packaging. When it comes to device interconnects, it’s hard to beat copper. Its low resistivity and high reliability have served the industry exceedingly well as both on-chip interconnect and wires between chips. But in logic chips, with int... » read more

Advanced Packaging for High-Bandwidth Memory: Influences of TSV size, TSV Aspect Ratio And Annealing Temperature

A technical paper titled "Stress Issue of Vertical Connections in 3D Integration for High-Bandwidth Memory Applications" was published by researchers at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Abstract: "The stress of TSV with different dimensions under annealing condition has been investigated. Since the application of TSV and bonding technology has demonstrated a promising approach for ... » read more

The Path To Known Good Interconnects

Chiplets and heterogenous integration (HI) provide a compelling way to continue delivering improvements in performance, power, area, and cost (PPAC) as Moore’s Law slows, but choosing the best way to connect these devices so they behave in consistent and predictable ways is becoming a challenge as the number of options continues to grow. More possibilities also bring more potential interac... » read more

Bump Co-Planarity And Inconsistencies Cause Yield, Reliability Issues

Bumps are a key component in many advanced packages, but at nanoscale levels making sure all those bumps have a consistent height is an increasing challenge. Without co-planarity, surfaces may not properly adhere. That can reduce yield if the problem is not identified in packaging, or it can cause reliability problems in the field. Identifying those issues requires a variety of process steps... » read more

MicroLEDs Move Toward Commercialization

The market for MicroLED displays is heating up, fueled by a raft of innovations in design and manufacturing that can increase yield and reduce prices, making them competitive with LCD and OLED devices. MicroLED displays are brighter and higher contrast than their predecessors, and they are more efficient. Functional prototypes have been developed for watches, AR glasses, TVs, signage, and au... » read more

Hybrid Bonding Basics: What Is Hybrid Bonding?

Hybrid bonding is the key to paving an innovative future in advanced packaging. Hybrid bonding provides a solution that enables higher bandwidth and increased power and signal integrity. As the industry is looking to enhance the performance of final devices through scaling system-level interconnections, hybrid bonding provides the most promising solution with the ability to integrate several di... » read more

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